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The portal opened up in some sort of cave. Luckily for me, I could clearly see the exit and speedily headed towards it.

I wished there was someone else there, someone who could show me the ropes and how to survive and stuff. But for now, I was on my own, and it didn't look like my situation would change anytime soon.

I knew keeping company would be a big danger in the Overworld. I could easily get found out and sent away, and I also didn't want to inadvertently attack anyone.

The mouth of the cave opened to a rather gloomy looking taiga. Great. Cold, vast, and endlessly snowy, I didn't know at all where to go. But, stepping out of the cave, I chose a random direction and started walking. I had to run into something eventually, right?

As I walked, I thought about my plans for life in the Overworld. What would I say if someone found me? If I told them I was Herobrine's son I would be locked up or killed, definitely. I could just say I was lost or had suffered from amnesia or something. (That seems to work in every other situation.) Anything to keep me away from Herobrine and the Nether. Anything.

Gradually, the taiga wore away into a regular forest. I was thankful for the lack of snow, but was still annoyed that I hadn't found anywhere to stay or anyone to help me.

It was beginning to get dark too, and with no defenses or shelter, I already had a foot in the grave. But I kept walking, knowing that if I stopped I would be in even more trouble.

As I walked, I was suddenly attacked by a plethora of mobs. I knew it was useless to tire myself by fighting so I let them slowly overtake me as my consciousness slipped away, letting out only a tiny cry.

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