Chapter11- SAFTG (Serent Academy for the Gifted)

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    The ability is called Last Resort, which allows the person in the Defenders from the Darkness to have a last stand in a fight. It absorbs the energy around you and enables you to use that as your own. You are only allowed to get it, after The Minder has the markings. It is a painful process for the people who are supposed to have it. It is not painful for the minder because the markings are not permanent. They become able to absorb the markings or "insignia's" into the body. As for the rest it stays onto your body for eternity. To make it permanent, it becomes magically burned onto your body.

    "Oh god, my friends!!!" I teleport to the gym again. When I get there, I immediately hear blood curdling screams of pain. I run over to my friends and see them on the floor rolling in pain. I also see Luke on the floor. Everybody is standing around them, so I blow them all back. I kneel over my friends, and put my hands on Vanessa's forehead. I think painless and she stops squirming, I walk over to each and everyone of them and do the same. They all eventually open their eyes and stand up.

    "What happened?" Asked Jack.

    "You all began the stages of getting the power Last Resort." I reply.

    I look at them Vanessa has her marking in her palm. Sam has his marking on his foot. Jack has his on his neck. Jessica has her marking on her left rib cage. Lina has hers on her calf. Then when we hear where Cole's marking was we burst out into laughter.

    "It's really on your butt?" I gasp, almost dying from laughter.

    "Don't laugh!" He says, as he sits down blushing.

    "Well I need to get back to the library, I'm reading a book about the ability, Last Resort." I dust myself off and disappear. I reappear at the library. When is my ranking coming on? Just as a I think that they announce it.

    "Justin Nightlock your assessment has been rated and graded. Power control is at level 20, and it only goes up to 20. Strength of abilities is at level 20 which is the highest it could be at. Finally, your rank is- AHHHH WE ARE UNDER ATTACK! GATE 3 HAS BEEN BROKEN. CODE 13, CODE 13. INITIATE FORMATION 16 AND ATTACK! CHILDREN UNDER 16 GO FIND MRS. CHARLES, SHE WILL PROTECT THE CHILDREN. EVERYBODY ABOVE 16 HAS TWO CHOICES STAY AND FIGHT, OR GO WITH MRS.CHARLES. DEFENDERS COME TO MY OFFICE, I NEED TO GIVE YOU SOMETHING, NOW!"

    I grab a whole shelf of books and summon a wooden box. I put the books in there and run to the office. I need to get to the office. I see people fighting against hunters. Fist flying, chunks of rocks flying, and fire balls burning people to death. A vine grabs my foot and I fall. I turn around and see who it is. It's a hunter. I teleport behind him and snap his neck. I continue on, I finally make it to the office. I bust open the door and see the principal fighting somebody. The principal is losing, as the hunter was about to stab him I light him on fire. I didn't even know I could do that I thought I had to touch or shoot it. I was stronger than I thought. He finally dies, and the principal stands up. Finally the rest of the team gets here.

    "I want to give each of you something." The principal says. He walks over to his his table and pulls off the seal on his table. It opens up more and becomes a staircase. He walks down and we begin to follow him.

    "Wait, what about the rest?" I ask and as we stop at a door. The principal walks over and pushes a button. The button turns into a laser and beams it to him. A weird color appears around him, an aura. The color blinks green and we keep on walking.

    "Well, we have to hope they can fight." The door opens up and we are blinded for a moment. The room is full of weapons.

    "This room is full weapons designed to kill hunters. One clean hit any where in the body and it gives off a chemical that reacts with the serum. It kills them in a matter of seconds. Pick your own, it will use your ability to work." Jack walks over to a spear and grabs it. As soon as he comes into contact with him it cuts him.

    "WHAT THE HELL!" He yells. A drop of blood falls onto the spear, and it begins to glow brown.

    "Sorry 'bout that, it needs a blood sample so it magically cuts you. The blood will show it all your memories, and know whether it is you or not. Also when it comes in contact with another magical being, it burns the skin. For humans it will look like something else." We all go look for a weapon. Vanessa chose ninja stars that come back to you as it hits a target. Luke chose a a machete. Jessica grabs nun chunks. Cole grabs necklace in which turns his claws into poison, so when contact with their skin it kills then. Lastly Lina two katanas. I still haven't chose my weapon.

    "Damn it hurry up, Justin." I feel something calling to me. I look over to the edge of the room and see something. A bowstaff.

    "Ooh, Justin chose a special weapon. It is an interchangeable bowstaff. It has two poison retractable blades on the edges. In addition, it can become nunchunks, and two spears," I grab it, but nothing happens."Your weapon doesn't glow, minders have no color."

    "We must go now, before they catch us." We run up the stairs, but I decide to do something first. I walk back into the room and focus on it. Then I run back, into the fighting. When walk back to the office there are hunters waiting for us. We each pull out our weapons. I go first, I pull out my bowstaff. I jump out of know where and begin to attack. I push a button and out come the poison blades. They don't notice, but when they surround me. They think they won. The hunters try to tackle me, instead I pull my bowstaff chest height and it stabs the two hunters at the same time. They both fall to the ground screaming in agony and eventually die.

    We keep on running, but before I make it out of the principal's office I do the same thing I did in the room. I focus and run away. Then as we near Gate 3 it becomes deathly silent. I hear barely audible whispering. I decide to get check it out myself. I tell the rest to stay here, while I go check it out. I push a button on my bowstaff and it turns into a necklace. I on the necklace. I walk out in to the center of Gate 3. Then I see vines made out of Light? That could only be one person, Lilly.


How was that?


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