Talking about me

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I woke up the next morning to Tristan talking to my sister...about me!

“How old is she?”


“I like her you know.”

“I can tell,” She laughed.

“But I’m 18 Dontelle”

“I know that too Tristan. I don’t know if she likes you. I can find out, but you know it will never go anywhere right. She lives 5 hours away and is still a teenager, you’re now an adult.”

“Yea I know. Something like holiday romance’s exist though right?”

“I guess they can if you want”

They both laughed.

They started to walk to the couch were I was so I shut my eyes and pretended to be asleep.

“Want to put texta on her face?” He laughed

“Don’t even think about it. If she busts you watch out. She is my little sister after all.” She laughed too.

“Good luck with that!” I say getting up and tackling Tristan to make point clear.

“You sneaky little so and so”

His cheeks went red and I knew that he figured I was awake and heard everything he said.

My sister walked out of the room to get my nephew Luka and winked at me.

“How much did you hear?”

“Hear what?”

“Come on. The conversation. I know you.”

“Do you really. We only met last night…”

“Feels like forever” He mumbled.

“Is that a complement or complaint?” I laughed

“Complement of course!” He laughed in return and he started to tickle me.

“Coffee?” I ask

“Please. Your coffees are the best". He sats and winks.

I smirked and laughed a bit.

“You know I heard the conversation…” I yelled out as I walked through the door to the kitchen.

“Yea I know,” He said shyly. I don’t know if its possible but I could tell he was blushing just from his tone.

I spent the rest of the day chilling with my nephew Luka and flirting with Tristan.

We went to bed that night snuggled side by side.

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