One Year Olds...

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Life was going by slowly. Tristan was now working of a day. I was getting my out-of-school work done and was at the same level as everyone else, which I was happy about.  The girls were now 9 months. They were growing rapidly. Mia had caught up to Kiki development wise. She was still smaller though. It was only 3 months until the girls were 1. It has been nearly a year that I have been a mother. 17 Months since my life was changed.


“Mmm.” He replies with a mouth full of cereal.

“When do you think I should go back to school? It will be my last year soon. I’m nearly 16.”

“I hadn’t even thought of it babe. When ever you feel ready I guess.”

“Well I feel ready now.”

“Well we will need time to get you re-enrolled, get you some new uniform because you have lost shitloads of weight. Looking hot mama.”

I blush. “Well I may as well wait out this year and go back starting next year. What do you think?”

“Sounds good babe. Your tutoring money can then be used as day care money. “

“Yea that’s it. And Dontelle might like to take them once a week. And maybe your mum will do once a week. Maybe even Dad may do once a week but his unreliable.”

“Yea. We will see. The girls will be one soon though. Picked a good time to return to school.”

“What do you want to do for their first actually?”

“I was thinking something like Dontelle did for Luka’s first. Little family party, special cake, decorations, park, bbq. You know.”

“Yea but not all our family is up here to do that.”

“Well we could go on another family trip down to Leighland? We could have two small parties? One here and one there?”

“Yea that sounds alright. They will only be little though because we really don’t have money to spare. And the trip to Leighland will have to be cheap too.”

“I know baby. I know. “

“Hey honey?”


“When I start school I think I might start work again?”


“Yea. Well if you work during the day and I go to school the girls can be at Day Care or you know. Then at night for a few hours you can spend some time with them until I get home. Weekends I can take the girls while you work. What do you think?”

“Sounds good gorgeous. Were are you going to apply?”

“ Maybe KFC again. No where fancy just a casual teen job.”

“You are the most amazing mother and fiancée. I’m telling you. I wouldn’t want to be with anybody else. Plus my daughters would not be this adorable without your genes. Wouldn’t have all the hot chicks turning heads when I walk down the road without them…” He jokes.

I punch him in he arm jokingly and give him a kiss.

“That’s alright you should see what all the guys do when the girls and I do the shopping. They fall over drooling.”

“Oh dear. Now that’s no good is it baby. You’re a killer you are. You and the girls. Pulling the guys. You’re a bad influence on those girls though. But you know what they say start ‘em young’”

“Oh baby. You’re a laugh you are.”

“I know babe.” And he gives me a kiss.

I grab the girls out of their playpen. They were just beginning to crawl and move their way around so every morning we put them in their playpen while we make their bottles and breakfast. It was getting hard to carry both girls at once. It always seemed like I would drop them. It was a funny sight. I change each girls bum then put them in their high chairs. Tristan runs the bath while I attempt to feed the girls. They were so well behaved they hardly ever made a fuss but they were also very cheeky. Trying to feed them both was hard. They would try to tip their bowls over while I was feeding the other one and they would whine when I wasn’t paying attention to them. They were certainly ‘Double Trouble’. Finally I finish feeding them and Tristan comes to help me get them in the bath. We strip the girls off and put them in their bath seats. Tristan washes them while I make Tristan and I some coffee. I turn the heater on and head up stairs to get the girls some clothes. I grab them a matching pair of legging and matching dress. I grab Mia’s pink cardigan and Kiera’s black cardigan, we liked to match their outfits but give them different jumpers or something. We were teaching them to be unique but also doing the cute matching thing. The girls would eventually decide themselves what they wanted to do. Matching or different.  It was shopping day so I grab the pram out of the cupboard and pull it downstairs. Tristan brings the girls out wrapped in their towels. Since we had been going to the gym he had bulked up and so had I. I was now muscly and slim and he was a muscle man. Very attractive. He looked especially good carrying his cheeky daughters out under his enlarged biceps. We dry the girl and dress them then we drink our coffees and put the girls in the pram. We decide to go for a morning walk before going to the shop. So we leave and walk the walking track when we get home Kiera was asleep. We put them both the kids in the car and we go to do the shopping.

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