Seeing the Father

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That weekend we packed most of what was left and took it to the house. It was only a ten-minute drive it was really close. We could walk to Tristan’s mum’s house and Dontelle’s. We unpacked our staff. It was 4pm when we finished most of it except the girl’s room. We were going to paint the girls room up first. We went to town and got the paint. We did a pink feature wall like last time but this time we had their names in big lack calligraphy writing instead of Alice in wonderland. Then we did the half pink walls again. We set up their room just in time for bed. First night in our first house with our first children. I don’t know if it’s a shame or a joy to be experiencing this 4-5, or even more, years before everyone else my age would.

I wake the next morning to the girls both fast asleep next to me and the smell of food.


He walks in.

“Morning sunshine. Sleep well?”

“Slept amazing. Why are the girls in here?”

“I thought I would bring them in this morning so on your first day you could wake up to them and because they woke up together earlier but I was making breakfast so I just left them asleep in here.”

“Oh ok. Wait your making breakfast?”

“Sure am honey bee. First morning here so I decided to make breakfast. Come out. Leave the girls sleeping.”

I wake up and put my dressing gown on. I walk out to the kitchen. I see the table that has a beautiful tablecloth on it, a tray of pancakes, cream, fruit, eggs, bacon candles and roses. It was amazing.

“Wow Tristan! This is amazing.”

“I asked mum to go and get the ingredients last night then I drove up and got them at 5am this morning when the girls where awake. That’s how I got them back to sleep. “

“How did I sleep through that? It’s amazing honey.” I kissed him and gave him a long hug.

We sit down and eat our breakfast. The girls sit peacefully through it. Then suddenly Tristan comes of and puts his hand out to help me stand I stand up and he goes on one knee.

“Tristan…” I say worried.

“I know it would still be awhile before anything official could happen but I want you to know how sure I am that I love you and the girls and how determined I am to give you all the best I can offer. Kaycee will you marry me? Or for now become my fiancée?”

I start to cry.

“Are you serious?” I ask.

“100% serious. I love you. So?”

“I don’t know what to say.”

“Well how about you begin with a yes so I can get off my knees.” He laughs

“Yes” I say “yes, Yes, Yes”

He puts the ring on my finger and we kiss. It was a beautiful ring.

The girls wake up but they wake up happy. I ring mum and tell her. She wasn’t angry but she wasn’t thrilled for me to be engaged at 15. I tell Dontelle and she was ecstatic. That night I break down in tear. I was 15, I had two babies, I lived in my own house with my fiancé, and I was engaged. I didn’t go to school. I wanted to. I… I lost it. Maybe it was the missed period last week and positive pregnancy stick?

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The next morning I tell Tristan.

“Are you f**king serious?”

“Calm down. Do you think I’m happy? Don’t go yelling at me and raising your voice. ESPICALLY NOT AROUND MY DAUGHTERS!!!” I scream at him in tears and I walk away to the room slamming the door behind. I didn’t want to be pregnant. I had plans to get back to school. My grades were at the right level that I could finish school the year I was meant to. I was doing so well, having another baby would put that all off track. I wouldn’t even graduate. I probably wouldn’t even finish school. How was I going to get anywhere in life if at 15 I had 3 kids under the age of 2? I wouldn’t be able to give them a life they deserved because of my stupidity.

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