Everybody's Gotta' Know My Girls...

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We arrive at Jaymey’s house 40 mins later. We had stopped to get the boys tea even though it was only 4pm.We climb out of the car. I grab Mia out of her capsule and pass her to Dontelle then get Kiera and climb out with her. Tristan gets the capsules out. The girls come down. I hug Missy and pass her Kiera without giving her a choice.

“Oh ok. Who’s this?”

“This is your niece Kiera-Ellen. Thanks bye. I turn to walk away, joking around. Then I turn back. I grab Mia from Dontelle.

“And this is Mia’Larni Daniella.” I hold her up to Missy and she kissed her on the head.

“She’s little.” Everyone kept saying this. I hadn’t really noticed. I knew she was smaller then KiKi but I didn’t think it was by much.

“Alright then. There’s Cyrus. Where’s Luka?”

“Dontelle just took him inside with all the gear. Tristan! Honey! Did you unpack the rest of the girls stuff?”

“Yea babe. Ready to head off?”

“Just about.”

“What are you guys going to do that is PG rated?” Jaymey asks

“Well Dontelle and I are going out to the movies together then the boys are taking us out to tea.”

“That’s why you’re all dressed up. I see. Best let you go then.”

“Look after my babies. Keep me updated.”

“Have you ever left them with anyone before?”

“Nope.” I say.

“No wonder you’re like this.  I will keep you updated. But enjoy your time don’t worry about them they will be fine. I promise.”

“Look after Luka.” Dontelle says.

“We will.”

We climb back in the car. Tristan drop us off at the cinemas and drives home. We watch the movie and 2 hours later the boys are waiting out the front to take us to dinner. They step out of the car each with a bunch of roses. Dontelle’s are pink her favourite colour with a blue ribbon around the bottom and a bracelet with 3 blue feet. One foot has an angel engraved on, one has family and the last one has thankyou. The angel was for Levi the baby who died at birth; the family for Luka and thankyou was for Cyrus, Kye’s nephew who Dontelle took into her care. I look at Tristan and he hand me my bunch. I had red roses my favourite with a bracelet with 2 pink feet and a heart each foot had the girls name on it. On the heart it says, ‘Nobody else could equate to you. I love you. You’re perfect, Tristan’. I hug him.

“Thankyou” I whisper. It meant so much because he was telling me I was perfect. He knew that if my depression was starting again my self-confidence issues probably would too. We climb in the car and Dontelle and I put our bracelets on.

We go out to a lovely dinner. Then we drive back to the motel. When I walk in I notice the roses all over the floor. There is a trail of pink rose petals leading to Dontelle’s room and there is a trail of red rose petals leading to my room. We separate and go to the rooms. There is some alcohol and chocolates next to the bed and candles lit.

“Is this why Kye stayed behind?” I asked.

“Partially. I did our room.”

“Of course you did.” I start to kiss him.

The next day we wake up early and head down to the restaurant to have breakfast. We decide to take the kids out to the museum today. We have our showers and get dressed then we head off to get the girls.

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