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“I now pronounce you Husband and Wife.  You may kiss your bride.”

Right at that moment he kisses me. I was married. It was official. It had only been 5 years. I walk down the aisle and grab on to my 5 year old Mia’s hand and my now husband Tristan grabs our other 5 year old daughter Kiera’s hand.  My Maid of Honour, my sister Dontelle, walks over with my pram and my 3 year old clinging to her. I look in and see my fourth daughter Kennedy Jean looking up at me with a smile. She had just woken up. I couldn’t help but cry. My life was so perfect. I had Mia and Kiera who were 5, Kenzie who was 4 and Kennedy whose 1st birthday was today. I look down at my 6-month belly. In there was my fifth and sixth children. My first sons. In there was Mason and Maddox.

“I would like to introduce you to Mr and Mrs Fitzpatrick. Along with their children, Kiera, Kenzie, Kennedy, Mia, Mason and Maddox.”

They all clap.

The next day I get up and get my girls ready. It was my final day of work before I took Maternity leave. I was a teacher at the local primary school. I had graduated as a early childhood educator a few years ago. I planned to take maternity leave then study leave. I was going to take a few years off to study full time in

Veterinary Science and to raise my youngsters as Tristan just 2 weeks ago. Graduated as a surgeon. He was very high in his job already. After years and years of study he graduated and he now works fulltime. It’s a good paying job. I would never have picked Tristan do be a doctor but he had awesome hands and wanted to save lives so he became a surgeon. So soon we would be under 30, a Doctor and a Vet, with 6 kids, married and living in our brand spanking new, eight bedroom house that we had just started to build.

Life couldn’t get any better.  

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