I'm coming

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I left to go home a week later. I was hard to go back. Tristan and I were officially dating. Obviously it was a long distance relationship and it was hard. We called every night and spoke for hours. 5 weeks after I returned home I realised I had missed to periods the one I should have had just after I got home and the one I should have got last week. I didn’t think much of it, as my period always seems to be messed up because I suffer from Bulimia Nervosa. But a few days later I started to throw up constantly especially of a morning. I knew something was sup because since I had started with Bulimia I had NEVER accidently thrown up. It had been 4 days with the same thing repeating. I called Tristan that night.

“Hey babe”


“What’s up? You sound upset or something…”

“I…I umm…”


“What?” I screamed.  I just thought he had meant baby as in a baby, baby. But he always calls me baby.

“Settle down. What’s going on?

“I think…I think I might be…”


I think I might be pregnant! There I said it!”

“Really?” he didn’t sound to upset.

“I don’t know for sure but I’ve missed 2 periods and lately I’ve been throwing up in the mornings. “


“I know. I want to make it clear right here from the start that abortion will not be an option neither will adoption!”

“I would NEVER even make you consider that baby. I love you and if you are preggers we will get through it. All 3 of us. “

“I can’t be pregnant Tristan! I have to finish school, I live 5 hours away from it’s father. My mum would no doubt hire a hit man for both you and me and I…”

“Calm down. You don’t even know for sure. Are you sure its mine?”

“Tristan! Of course its yours I’m 100% sure its yours its impossible to be anyone else’s” I’ve only had it once…with you!”

“I just wanted to know 110% that you were sure. I’m coming down there. Tomorrow.”

“What? How? You can’t stay with me. Mum wouldn’t let me have a guy sty of incase I had… never mind it already happened. But you can’t stay here.”

I will drive. Grab some money from mum and an advance from centrelink. I will just stay in a backpackers or see if I have a mate somewhere near you I can stay with. You need me. I will be there. You want me to buy you a pregnancy kit on my way so you don’t get caught out or anything? “

“Please! I love you Tristan…” I was crying.

“I love you more princess. I will text you. Go to school tomorrow I will meet you after school.”

“Ok. I’ll tell mum I’m going to the library she will let me do that. Meet me there. “

“Ok. Love you”

Love you too”

Then we hang up.

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