Chapter 6

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Tiffany took a final look at herself and headed downstairs for her first day of school. She dreaded it but she didn't want to sit home with Tony.

"Let me look at you" Tony said when she entered the kitchen.

She looked at him with a miserable expression.

"You look beautiful. Let me take your picture" he said as he snapped one from his phone.

"Can I go now?" she asked.

"Yes. Have a great day. Happy is going to drive you to school. Here is money for lunch" he said handing her a fifty dollar bill.

"If you need anything while you're at school just call me or text me" Pepper said.

"Ok thanks" she said as she went outside and slid into the back of the car.

"Come on we need to get going too. I'll drive" Tony said as he pulled Pepper after him.

"We should just hop in with Happy and have him drop us off along the way" Pepper suggested.

"No" Tony said hopping into the driver seat.

Pepper got into the passenger side reluctantly and put her seatbelt on.

Tiffany arrived at school and she felt very vulnerable as everyone was staring at her. Her legal name was now Maria Tiffany Stark and if anyone were to look her up they would only find information about Tony's mother. This way she was still able to go by Tiffany and no one would could get any info about her. She sat down in the back of her first class and didn't look at anyone. She was very sad. Her mother was going to be buried in two days and she wanted something special to wear.

Tony approached the podium for the press conference he called. There were tons of journalists anticipating his official announcement. Pepper watched from the side and he gave her a smile.
Pepper was his rock and his steady calm. She was always the quiet after the storm that he needed. He needed her in ways he couldn't even explain.

"Thank you all for being here. I called this press conference today to get ahead of a situation before rumors start. I have a daughter that will now be living with me. I've always known about her but the circumstances have changed since her mother is now deceased. She is sixteen years old. I ask that you respect her privacy and mine at this time" Tony said right from the cards.

All the reporters in the room's hands shot up as soon as the words left his mouth.

Tony pointed to one of them to take a question.

"Who's her mother?" a man in the back asked.

"I am not releasing her name at this time. She's deceased please don't disrespect her" Tony said pointing to a blonde in the front row.

"How did you keep her hidden for so long?" she asked.

"She was never hidden. She just didn't live with me and I've visited with her many times. You just weren't looking closely enough" he said pointing to one more person.

"Your parents never mentioned a grandchild. Are you leaving your company to her?"

"Because I was young and it was a private family matter. Everything I have is hers if it's what she wants. No more questions" Tony said walking over to Pepper and right out the front door.

They fought their way through the press until they got to the car.

"This is why we should have had Happy drive us" Pepper exclaimed.

"Let's take the day. We can grab Tiffany after school and go to the beach" Tony suggested.

He was in a great mood. What he really wanted to do was take Pepper in his arms and kiss her again but there were more important things he had to do.

There Goes My Life जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें