Chapter 15

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Tony stirred a bit and opened his eyes. Pepper was completely wrapped up in him and then he remembered last nights events and images of Pepper's naked body came into his mind. He was again trying to block it out. He didn't want to be aroused when Pepper woke up. It was going to be hard enough to explain this to Pepper without her freaking out. Pepper stirred and rolled over but she didn't wake. Tony used this opportunity to get up and pee. And he hurried down the stairs for Advil and some Gatorade. When he got back to the bed Pepper was still out. He put the Gatorade and Advil on the dresser and slipped back under the covers. Pepper turned again and was laying on his chest. Her hand was resting on his chest and his nipple still hurt immensely. He looked down and she had left a mark.

"Mmmm Tony" she cooed in her sleep as she pulled him closer.

Her hand was dangerously low on his torso she almost brushed over him. Again he was trying to control his thoughts. He thought of her under the table night and seeing her between his legs and her cute response about trying to get a raise. It made him smile. He thought about Pepper in the Coors girl uniform and the shot wheel. He thought about how she took down those shots and he really wanted more. He wanted to know every side of Pepper. He didn't care that he was her boss. She took care of him in a way no person who wasn't his wife or mother should ever have to. He wanted her to let off steam and have fun. He added that to the list he was working on for Pepper and that was all he needed to complete it. He was going to give it to her when she woke up. She stirred again and this time she woke up.

"Tony? Why am I in your bed?"he heard.

Pepper had her eyes squeezed shut and she never felt so hungover in her life. She was so grateful that it was a holiday and that she didn't have to work because she literally couldn't function.

"Pep don't freak out. I'll explain. What's the last thing you remember?" He asked.

Pepper felt a panic wash over her. She didn't know if she slept with Tony or not and she was about to freak out about it. One because he's her boss, two because then Tony wins and he'll have gotten what he wanted and three because if she finally did sleep with him and she couldn't remember any of it, what fun would that be.

"I remember throwing up on you" Pepper said.

And then she realized the words that came out of her mouth.

"Oh my God Tony I'm so sorry. That must have been horrible" she said.

"It's a good thing I have a strong stomach. You smelled like tequila and vomit and to be honest id probably still kiss you" he said as he winked at her.

He handed her a purple Gatorade and some Advil. She grabbed it from him thankfully. He gave her a minute to take it and get up to pee before he continued with the story. Pepper came back into the bed and cuddled right back up with Tony.

"Tony even though I was drunk that was the best sleep I ever had. I love everything about your bed. The mattress is like heaven, the sheets are so soft and the whole bed smells like you. And you're so comfy. Why didn't you tell me you're such a good cuddler ?" She said nestling herself into him.

"I'm not normally real cuddly. You can get away with anything with me Pep and I told you you would love my bed" he said as he looked down into her blue eyes and he meant every word.

"What happened last night?" she asked.

"We got home and Natasha helped clean you up and get you into pajamas so I could shower since my shirt and pants were covered in vomit. I get out of the shower and I slide into bed and a minute  later you're in my room. I asked if you were okay and if you needed something and you said "you could say that" and you dropped your robe and you were naked" he said.

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