Chapter 18

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Tony barely slept. He was so worried about this man finding Tiffany and all he could see was naked Pepper tangled up in bed with someone else. He didn't know what to do. He couldn't leave Tiffany alone to get Pepper and if he stayed with Tiffany then he knew this guys hands woulds be all over his lady and the thought of that made it hard to breathe. It was a Saturday and Pepper's date was for the evening.

"Where are you going?" Tony asked.

"Moon shadows" she said referring to an extremely romantic restaurant on the coast.

"And then?" Tony asked.

"Well if all goes well then I'll be going with him and staying the night" Pepper said.

Tony felt as if someone had stabbed him in the chest. It was no longer jealousy. It was the real pain of love. The image of Pepper tangled up in bed with someone else returned and he couldn't get it out of his mind.

"Nat said that the car that exploded had no tech and they had no cellphones on them. So they couldn't report back to this guy that they had seen Tiffany. She wasn't safe at school because they knew Malibu and they were there waiting. They know kids have to go to school. Nat said they don't know she's my daughter so they wouldn't have a reason to come here. You should be safe but can you please wear one of my tech watches so you can contact me if anything looks shady. I won't be able to see or hear anything if you have it off. Just turn it on if you suspect something" he said putting one on around her wrist and showing her how to turn it on.

It was time for Pepper's date and Tony felt completely hopeless. He was handing Pepper over to Dean. He watched as they walked out the door and he slumped down on the couch. He put on the television not that he could retain anything. All he could see was Pepper naked in this guys arms.

"You just let her leave. Dad this is the third date" Tiffany stressed.

"You don't think I know that" he said full of despair.

"So what are you going to do about it?" Tiffany asked trying to pep talk her Dad.

"Tiffany what can I do?" he asked feeling helpless.

"You march up to her and tell her you love her and kiss her. That's what she's been waiting to here. If you do that this guy is gone. He can't compete with what you and Pepper have" Tiffany said reassuringly.

"Let me call Nat inside. I can't leave you alone"

Natasha came inside and agrees to help.

"Ok what should I wear"

Tiffany helped him pick out an outfit he looked very handsome in. She also combed his hair but let a little piece hang down on his forehead.

"You look very boyish and cute" Natasha admitted when he came down the stairs.

"I'm not coming back without Pepper, so this could take awhile" Tony said.

"Go I can handle this" Natasha said reassuring him.

Tony looked at the time and he hurried to Moon shadows they would be leaving soon. He got there and combed the entire restaurant and they were gone. He didn't know where this Dean guy lived and then he remembered the watch. He had given it to Pepper turned on and he hadn't seen her turn it off. He checked the tracking and sure enough it was still on. He pulled out onto the pch and started out towards his calabasas home.

Tony pulled up in front and rang the bell. A minute later Dean answered the door. He had a look of confusion on his face.

"Mr. Stark is everything ok?" he asked.

"No everything is not ok. I need Pepper" Tony said.

Pepper appeared in the doorway.

"Tony what is it? Is it Tiffany did something happen?" she asked.

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