Chapter 13

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When Pepper opened her eyes the sun was filtering through the living room. It took her a moment to realize where she was. She blinked her eyes a few times to wake up and she realized that she had fallen asleep on the couch and so had Tony. He had his arm around her and her legs were entangled in his. She didn't even remember being in this position. She looked at the table and realized that they had finished the whole bottle of wine. She was about to wiggle out when she felt Tony pull her tighter to him.

"Pepper" he mumbled in his sleepy state.

She was frozen momentarily. She didn't know if he was dreaming or if he knew it was actually her. She wasn't sure if she should wake him. She tried to slip away again and he opened his eyes.

"Hey Pep" he said as he adjusted his body into a more comfortable position as he woke up.

"It looks like we finished the bottle of wine and fell asleep on the couch"

"I was dreaming about you" he said.

"What is it a good dream?" she asked ignoring the fluttering she was feeling.

"It was. I never dream and when I do it's always of you" he said as he brushed the hair away from her face.

"I need to sit up, my back" she said trying to wriggle free of Tony.

"Sure" he said untangling himself from her and helping her up. Pepper got up to start the coffee. Tony headed to the bathroom.

"What do you usually do with yourself on a Saturday?" Pepper asked him when he got back.

"I usually find things to call you for and bother you" he teased as he grabbed a cup of coffee off the table.

"I think I'm going to get a work out in if you don't mind me using your gym" she said.

"You can use my gym if you don't mind me joining you" Tony said trying to imagine a hot and sweaty Pepper in a sports bra and spandex. He added that image to his rolodex.

"Tony it's your house and your gym. I can't object" she said.

"Don't worry I have some light girly weights too for Happy when he lifts with me"

"Don't underestimate me Tony. I can bench more than you think." she teased him back.

Tiffany came downstairs to the kitchen. She grabbed some fruit and a muffin and text her friends to see if they would be free for the day. She didn't even bother to look for Tony or Pepper because she knew they would be together.

Pepper was warming up on the treadmill while Tony began racking weights. He sat on one of his workout benches and began doing bicep curls. Pepper was trying not to make it obvious that she was watching him. She finished her warm up and went over to the free weights and grabbed a bar 40 pound barbell and began doing squats.

"How come you've never come here to work out before?" Tony asked as he was staring at her chiseled stomach.

"Because I come here to work and then I like to leave to clear my head" she said.

"You should work out here instead"

"Why is that?" she asked as she took a rest between hers sets.

"Is that what you wear to the gym? Workout pants and just a sports bra?" he asked.

"Yeah usually"

"Because if you wear that you'll have all the men ogling you and if you work out here and wear that you'll only have to worry about me ogling you" he said as he smirked at her.

Pepper was on to Russian twists and she quickly smiled back.

"So if you're always here when do you work out? Because you're in crazy shape and I never would have expected that" Tony asked as he started working his back muscles.

"Usually at 4am and on weekends. I have a trainer. He's great" she said.

"He?" Tony asked. He was a little jealous.

"Yes he" she said as she stopped to rest. She reached for her water and took a small sip.

Tony looked at her and she was covered in sweat. His mind was taking things places he knew he shouldn't.

"Let me know when you're ready to bench press".

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