Chapter 10

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Tony sent Tiffany to school with Happy and all he really wanted to do was go and visit Pepper but he knew he couldn't. He never thought how much three days of not seeing someone could affect him so much. He was afraid that Pepper was going to quit on him. He needed to keep her Happy. Tony needed basic paper and a pen and with all the technology in his house he wasn't going to use any of it. He thought something handwritten he would give Pepper.

Tiffany waited until Happy drove away and walked back out of the school. She text Wade to see if he would give her a ride and he said he couldn't so she started to walk. She wasn't sure if Tony would be home or not so she decided to walk back home and scope it out.

When she got home she saw his car in the front and decided to slip inside quietly. She was praying Jarvis would be working on something for Tony and it was. She saw his keys in plain site on the table. She tiptoed in and grabbed them off the table. She closed the door quietly and hopped into his convertible and sped off down the road. She loved the feeling of the breeze off the water. She turned on her phone and typed in the address for the mall in Beverly Hills. She needed retail therapy.

Tony kept looking at his phone to see if Pepper text him and when he didn't see any texts from her he was a little sad. It just didn't feel like home without Pepper there.

"Sir there is a phone call from Malibu high school" Jarvis said.

"Answer it" he said.

"Hello this is Malibu High School calling to let you know your child was not at school today" said a robotic voice.

"Jarvis put me through to Malibu high school" Tony said in a bit of a panic.

"This is the Malibu High School attendance office. How can I help you?"said a female voice.

"I just got a call about my daughter not being in school and it has to be a mistake" Tony said as he started walking up the stairs to get his keys.

"What's her name?" The woman said.

"Tiffany Stark" he said.

"No it's correct. She wasn't present for role call" the woman said.

"What do you mean she's not in school? My driver dropped her off this morning" Tony said.

"Sir I'm only the secretary. I have no idea" she said.

Tony hung up the phone and he felt a panic wash over him. He called Happy immediately. Happy said he dropped her off and watched her walk in the door and then he left.He went to grab his keys off the table and noticed that they were gone along with his car.

God dammit. Not the Audi. If I find a single scratch on that car I'm going to kill her.

He put on the iron man suit and decided he was going to bring her home.

Tony hopped into the suit and had Jarvis try and immediately locate where Tiffany was.

"Jarvis any news on Tiffany's location" Tony asked as he was flying aimlessly above California not sure which direction he should be heading.

"I've located your car sir. It's at the Beverly Center in Beverly Hills" Jarvis said.

Beverly Hills JESUS CHRIST. I"M GOING TO KILL HER, he thought.

Tony was relieved she wasn't held hostage in some basement but angry as hell that she stole his car and went to the mall. After about fifteen minutes he touched down in the Beverly Center parking deck next to his car. He decided he was going to go in and find her. He was getting strange looks from everyone around as he walked through the mall in the iron man suit.
Pepper was laying out on her balcony sunbathing in a bikini watching Netflix on her iPad. She paused the show to check her personal email and there was an article on yahoo. It said iron man was spotted at the Beverly Hills mall. Pepper looked at the time and it was only 12:30. She couldn't imagine what Tony would be doing at the mall at that time. She hoped everything was ok but she figured if he needed her he'd call her and she went back to her Netflix.

"Sir I have a location on your daughter" JARVIS spoke.

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