Chapter 20

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When Pepper woke up she felt safe next to Tony. She was so relaxed and relieved since finally getting the sexual release needed after months of frustration building up. She pulled herself up to face him and gasped. He was ghostly white and there was a slight sheen of sweat on his forehead when the air conditioner was blasting at a cool 60 degrees. She put a hand to his forehead and he was burning up.

Don't do this to me now Tony. Not now that you're finally mine, she thought. .

"Tony wake up. You have a fever. We need to get you to the hospital" Pepper said frantically trying to wake him.

"Huh" he said his eyes fluttering open.

"You're pale white and burning up. We need to get you to the hospital" she said.

She realized they were both naked and she dressed herself quickly. And started getting clothes for him.

"No hospitals. Just have Jarvis scan me" he said.

"Anthony Edward Stark you are going to the hospital" she yelled.

She started with his boxer briefs first and then a t-shirt.

"Yes ma'am" he said trying to sit up but he was in intense pain.

"Tiffany" Pepper called from the bedroom.

Tiffany came barreling in and she was immediately concerned.

"What is it?" She asked as she watched her father struggle to get his pants on.

"I need to get your Dad to the hospital. He's burning up real bad. Help me lift him" Pepper said.

Tony winced in pain when they got him up. The three of them struggled down the stairs and after some maneuvering they got him into the car.

"You're free honey. He's dead" Tony rambled to Tiffany.

Tony's eyes were going in and out. Pepper drove furiously to the hospital while Tony drifted in and out of consciousness from the pain. Tiffany squeezed his hand.

"Just hang on Dad. Please hang on. I don't want to lose another parent. You're all I have left" she said.

I love you Tiff was all he was able to manage.

Pepper finally arrived to the hospital and they put Tony on a bed immediately while Pepper signed him in and gave all the necessary information. Pepper couldn't stop herself from shaking because she was so worried. Normally Tony would ease her worry but this time he couldn't because this time it was about him. She sent a text to Rhodes because she thought he might want to stop by. She went over to Tony who was lying on a bed and he was shivering. Tiffany was squeezing his hand.

"Is it wrong that I'm picturing you in a sexy nurses costume right now?" he joked to Pepper.

"That's not what you should be focused on right now but if you focus on getting better and you pull through then maybe I'll buy one of those costumes" she said desperately trying to get him to take this seriously.

"It's a good thing you let me make love to you last night because I feel like I'm dying" Tony said.

"So I take it you liked the outfit I helped Pepper pick out?" Tiffany asked trying to lighten the mood.

"Please don't ruin it for me. You're my daughter and I feel like I can't get hot for Pepper knowing you picked that out. Somehow it seems wrong"

"Tony you should have gone to the hospital last night. If I knew how much pain you were in I would never have agreed to-

"You know I have ways of getting what I want. Nothing was going to stop me from being with you last night" he said.

And just then they had a room ready and the Doctor would be seeing him. Pepper and Tiffany sat next to the bed while the Doctor did a full analysis.

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