Chapter 8

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Stars Lyrics (Pony Version)

There,out in the darkness

All fugitives running

Fallen from the light of friendship 

Fallen from grace

I never shall yield

'Til we come face to face

'Til we come face to face 

He knows his way in the dark

Mine is the way of friendship 

Those who follow the path of the righteous

Shall have their reward 

And if they fall as Chrysalis fell

The flames,  the sword!


In your multitudes

Scarce to be counted

Filling the darkness with order and light

You're the sentinels 

Silent and sure

Keeping watch in the night, keeping watch in the night 

You know your place in the sky

You hold your course and your aim

And each in your seasons 

Returns and returns 

And is always the same 

And if you fall as Chrysalis fell

You fall in flame! 

And so it must be, and so it is written

On the doorway to paradise

That ponies who falter and ponies who fall

Must pay the price!

Princesses, let me find him

That I may see him safe behind bars

I will never rest 'til then

This I swear

This I swear by the stars! 

* * *

Paris/ Look Down Lyrics (Pony Version)

Look down and see the beggars at your hooves

Look down and show some mercy if you can

Look down and see the sleepiness of the street 

Look down, look down

Upon this pony!

How are you?

My name's Gavroche

These are my ponies

Here's my patch 

Not much to look at, nothing that you'd call up to scratch

This is my school, my high society

Here in the slums of Manehattan 

We live on crumbs of humble piety

Tough on the teeth, but what the hay! 

Think you're poor, think you're free?

Follow me!

Look down and show some mercy if you can 

Look down, look down upon this pony!

There was a time we killed the king

He tried to change Equestria too fast

Now we have another king

He's no better than the last

This is the land that I fought for friendship 

Now we fight for bread

Who is the thing of equality if everypony's equal when they're  dead?

Take your place, take your chance

Look down and show some mercy if you can 

Look down, look down upon this pony 

When's it gonna end?

When we gonna live? 

Something's gonna happen now 

Or something's gonna give

It'll come, it'll come, it'll come, it'll come, it'll come

Where are the leaders of the land?

Where is the king who runs this show?

Only one pony----- General Lamarque

Speaks for these ponies Here below 

Lamarque is ill and fading fast!

Won't last the week out, so they say

With all the anger in the land

How long before the judgement day?

Before we cut the villains down to size?

Before the barricades arise?

Manehattan, Manehattan! 

Ponies, ponies, ponies! 

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