Chapter 16

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Cossette gazed at Marius, bewildered by the things she had just now learned. Why, the young pony was devastated.

Suddenly (Reprise) Lyrics (Pony Version)

Where's he gone without a word?

That wouldn't be his way to go

Why so sudden, why so strange?

Did he say how long he'll be gone?

All he asked for me to say

Is that he's on a journey far away 

He can't leave us now

How he breaks my heart 

And We will never be apart

Now betrothed, the new couple, Marius and Cossette, trotted towards Marius' S house by taking a path encarved in an aisle made by the wedding guests. 

The Wedding Lyrics (Pony Version)

Ring out the bells upon this day of days 

May everypony sing their songs of praise

And crown this blessed time with peace and love 

The Baron and Baroness de Thénard

Wish to pay their respects to the groom!

Go away, Thenardier!

Do you think I don't know who you Are?

He's not faded

Told you so

Show what you've come here to show

Tell the cat what you know!

Pity to disturb you at a feast like this 

But 500 bits surely wouldn't come amiss

In Luna's name, say what you have to  say! 

But first you pay!

What I saw, clear as light

Jean Valjean in the sewers one night

Had this corpse on his back

Some colt He had killed in a vicious attack

I was there, never fear

Even found me this fine souvenir! 

I know this!

This is mine!

Surely this is some heavenly sign!

Then it's true, then I'm right

Jean Valjean was my saviour that night!

Jean Valjean, you'll pay up

Or I'll say where he's gone

Where is he?

The convent 

Marius galloped over to Cossette and told her the whereabouts of Jean Valjean. Then, the couple ran away. Thenardier, on the other hoof, had regained the ability to stand on all four hooves. The stallion and his wife were standing before the wedding cake. As soon As he regained self-control,  his wife snatched all three pillars of the cake, sending It all toppling to the floor.

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