144. Dreading work is far worse than working

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"Dreading work is far worse than working. Once you get started it has a life of it's on. I start quickly after waking up. When I begin writing there's an energy to it. I rarely miss a day. When I do take a day off, which is rare, I try and know the difference between taking a day off and goofing off. What I've found, is one of the greatest joy's in life is the writing itself. Even if I feel I have nothing, that the well is dry, sitting down and trying to write one or two sentences will generally stoke the juices, and before I know it, I have three to five pages and a greater feeling of accomplishment and contentment than not working. It then becomes a habit. You don't wait for the muse, you wake it up. Say, look, you've got one good sentence, right? And then it happens. The one sentence, and then the next, and the next..."

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