Chapter 1

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It was fall. The leaves had started changing. The air smelled different. The way certain things sounded even seemed different. As I laid my head against the window, with every breath, it fogged. I knew I was going to end up different. I knew that things weren't going to be the same. But it was just the beginning and I had no idea what was just in store.

One month later.

Settling in to a new house. A new street. A new school. It was all overwhelming. It was a sudden change. I was never big on change. It had always made me uneasy. It made my stomach feel like an ocean going crazy as the storm moves through.

Here I was. My family moves every other year. You'd think I would be used to it by now. They travel to where the art is. New city every year. New places to see. New adventures. New people. All a load of bullshit.

Most of the time I drowned out everything. My headphones helped with that. Music is the only thing that kept me from losing myself.

Walking to school every morning was the same. I would walk a couple of blocks until Beth meet me at the corner of North Street. She was the only friend so far, I had made. She was usually quiet, at least around other people. With me, she seemed to talk for an eternity. I guess there was something about me that made it easy to talk to me.

I was walking along the cracks like a balancing act when I saw Beth. "Morning loyal subject."

She gave a shy smile. "Good morning, Estella."

We walked in silence as the leaves fell around us on our way to school. It was peaceful in the morning when you slowed down and looked around. Everyone was in a rush but if you slowed down, you really saw how peaceful things could be.

I unlocked my locker to get my history book out for first block. It was probably the worst subject to take in the mornings. At least for some people. I liked it. The teacher was kind of kooky. But he knew what he was talking about and made things interesting.

I slammed my locker. "Must you do that?"

I smiled at Beth. "Let me think about. Yes."

She took off towards history class. "Beth, I am sorry. Don't be upset with me. You know I can't handle it."

We took our seats in the back of the class. It was the only part of the room where you could pass notes and talk without getting into trouble. One, Mr. Hancock never paid attention to the back. Second, he mostly stared out the window while he talked or at the front roll. Like I said he is kooky.

I leaned over. "Beth, are you done being mad at me. I just slammed my locker."

Her little jaw tightened. "You slam it all the time. I don't get why."

"I just want to make sure it is shut." I smiled.

She held back a snicker. "It is fine. I should know by now."

I looked at her confused. "Know what?"

"That you are obnoxious." She leaned forward started taking notes again.

I shook my head. Me, obnoxious? Only sometimes. I'll admit, I get in trouble on purpose. Rebellious teen angst are what the therapist told my mom and dad. But I knew it was because they hardly stayed at home and I had to have something to do. Either way, if I do something good or something bad, it never seemed to really matter. So, I kept doing what I knew.

I guess since moving here, Beth has kept me out of some trouble. She tells me to knock it off and behave. She sounds more like a mother than my own mother sometimes.

I was concentrating on drawing a horror landscape for art class when Beth tapped my shoulder then pulling on my headphones. "What?"

"Will you take those off your head." She pointed at the headphones.

P.B.F (Psycho Best Friend)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz