Chapter 3

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After dinner, I excused myself to go get ready. Coming downstairs mom and dad were seating on the sofa. "Hey, can I get some money to get into a movie tonight?"

Mom looked up from her book. "What movie?"

"The new IT remake." I stood in front of them.

Mom looked at dad. "If you are okay with her going, then she can."

Dad nodded. "Okay, here is forty. I know how expensive those snacks at the theaters are. Ridiculous if you ask me."

"You can just give me enough to buy two tickets. Beth and I sneak in snacks in her bag. We know it isn't cheap. So, we bring our own." I smiled proudly.

Mom and dad both smiled. "We are so proud of you. Smart thinking."

Mom started reading her book again. "More like your father every day."

Dad handed me the money. "Thank you. See you guys later, love you."

As I was walking out the door, Gus went by. "Hey, Gus, wait up."

I ran down to the side walk. He turned around. "Ah, Estella, we meet again."

I smiled. "Where you headed to?"

"The new IT remake is playing at the theater. I figured I go check it out." His hands were shoved in his pants pockets.

I crossed my arms slowly walking pass him. "What a coincident. That is where I am headed. Beth and I are going to see it."

I turned around. "Want to join us?"

Gus smiled. "You sure I won't be opposing? Beth won't mind?"

I walked up grabbing his arm. "Beth is my best friend. She won't mind at all."

His face went into a look, I wasn't understanding. "Okay. Then let's go."

We stopped on the corner of North Street. I looked toward where Beth lived. "She lives that way. I told her I would pick her up. Do you mind waiting here?"

"Sure. Go do your thing. I will be here when you get back." Gus leaned up against the light pole.

I took off running, yelling back. "Thanks!"

I ran all the way to Beth's house. It wasn't but a block. But I was already late. As I reached her house, I slowed down.

She was sitting on the front steps. She looked annoyed or pissed. I really couldn't tell. Oh boy. "Hey bestie."

Beth looked up from her phone. "Hi."

I went and sat by her. "I know I'm late. I am sorry. I was held up."

She looked at me. "Why were you held up?"

I bit my lip hard. "I ran into Gus."

"Oh, great." She sighed looking out in front of her.

"I am really sorry." I hugged up to her arm.

She looked at me, smiling. "You're forgiven I guess."

"Good. Now let's go see this movie." I held out my hand for her to take.

She took it and we were off. "One more thing. I sort of invited Gus along."

Beth stopped as quick as we started walking. "What?"

"He was already going. So, I figured he could come with us." I grinned.

She folded her arms. "Whatever. Let's just go see this stupid movie."

"Thank you, Beth." I put my arm through hers.

When we got to the corner of North Street, Gus was still leaning against the pole. "Hello ladies. Ready to see this movie?"

"I am." I looked over at Beth. "What about you?"

"Yep. Ready as ever." Beth walked off.

"I guess she is really ready to see the movie." I started walking.

Gus cracked up. "You are kidding, right?"

"What?" I looked over at him.

He scratched the back of his neck. "You really don't know do you?"

I searched his face. "Know what?"

He stopped letting Beth get more ahead. "She likes you Estella. As in she is into you. She likes girls."

"Gus, we are just best friends. There is no way she likes me. She hasn't even said she likes girls." I looked at Beth ahead of us.

Gus shrugged. "Try asking her."

"I will." I crossed my arms and started walking.

Gus caught up to me. "Are you mad at me?"

"No. Just confused to why she wouldn't tell me, I guess." We were almost to the theater.

"Maybe she didn't want to freak you out. Some people don't like letting others know because they treat them different." Gus looked ahead at Beth standing under the theater roof.

"I guess. But I would have been fine with it." I looked to Beth. She was mad, I could tell.

Gus stopped me again. "One question, do you like girls? Or her? Both?"

"I like guys. But I guess if I ever felt that way about a girl, I would try. I've never saw Beth like that though. As awful as that may sound. I was only looking for a friend." I felt a tear run down my cheek.

Gus squeezed my shoulder. "Don't feel bad. That is just how you feel. Don't feel sorry or apologize for you who you are and who you like."

I wiped away the tear. "Thanks. Let's go watch the movie."

I walked up beside Beth. Gus insisted he pay for the tickets. So, we let him. "Are you ok, Beth?"

Beth looked away from Gus to me. "I guess. I just don't feel well."

"Do you want to go back home?" I rubbed her arm.

She jerked away from me. "You'd like that wouldn't you?"

"What? Beth, I am just trying to be a good friend. I don't want you to get worse." I was muddled.

"Just forget it. I'm going home." She took off.

"Beth!" I stood there not sure what I should do.

Gus came up to me with the tickets. "Where's Beth?"

"She left." I looked down at my feet.

"What happened? I thought you two really wanted to see the movie." Gus put a hand on my back.

I shrugged. "I asked if she was ok. If she wanted to go home. I told her I would walk her back. Then she just, I don't know."

"Well, give her time to cool down. Let's watch the movie. Then in the morning, you can talk to her." Gus put his arm around my shoulders.

I nodded. "Okay." 

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