Chapter 14

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It had been two days into fall break. Nothing so far had happened. I tried calling Beth but no answer. I even went to her house but nothing.

All was silent. Gus and I would stay up watching horror movies and hallmark movies. We were a sucker for both. We were into so much of the same stuff.

He loved taking photos. So, he was trigger happy the whole time. Taking pictures of me. Taking pictures of us. We even went out for a walk so he could take some pictures. He was very talented.

"Why don't you put these in an art gallery?" I asked him while we sat at the park.

Gus had packed a lunch for us. He took a bite of his sandwich. "I never thought about it. I also didn't think I was good enough."

"Are you kidding me? You are amazing." I blushed. "I mean the photos are amazing."

He laughed. "Yeah, E. Try covering up your crush on me."

"Shut up." I flipped through some more pictures.

"Are you ready to go back home? It is getting chilly." He got up.

I helped him pack up everything and we headed back to my house. "It has been three days. Still nothing."

"Maybe when we go back to school, things will be okay." He shrugged.

I groaned. "I don't know Gus Gus." 

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