Chapter 17

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Couple Months Later

Beth's mom was devastated and even though Beth done what she done, I still felt bad. I didn't want to shoot her. I didn't want any of it to happen.

The day of the funeral, I and my family along with Gus and his came to support. Though whole time Beth's mom was breaking down. I found out that Beth's dad had left them and ended up miserable turning to drinking then eventually killing himself. Beth wasn't the same after that. Her mom soon started drinking and taking medication after. Leaving Beth to figure out everything and taking care of her mom. When she found Katie as a friend then lost her, it all went more downhill after that. After Beth was hospitalized, they moved here. Then I showed up.

When all was said and done, mom decided to move to a different house. I threw a fit because I didn't want to move away from Gus. But mom assured me that the house was close.

Dad and she made me follow them down three houses away from Gus's. "We will live here. We just don't want you to have to keep going through all that. That house isn't good for the good vibes we try to keep around."

"This works." I hugged them.

Now, it was May. We were settled in our new house. It was also the end of senior year. Gus was over for dinner. "So, kids, what are you going to do after senior year?"

Gus and I looked at one another and smiled. "Well, dad, since you asked. I am going to go for police training."

Gus smiled at me. "Yeah, and I will open up an exhibit of my photography in a couple of states and see how that goes."

Mom got a huge smile. "Then after the summer?"

I perked up more. "We are going to the same university. I am going to study Psychology and Behavioral Analysis. Gus is going for Photography and Film."

Dad sat back. "The first ever in our family to ever go into that field but I will take it. Whatever makes you happy Estella."

Gus grabbed my hand. "She will go great."

Mom put the pie on the table. "Mom why did you bake today?"

"Well you know when we talked about the adoption?" She held onto dad's hand.

"Yeah." I looked at them.

"We got approved." Mom just beamed.

I covered my mouth. "Oh, my goodness. Mom, dad, that is so amazing. I can't wait to have a little sibling."

Dad sighed. "There is a catch."

"What?" I looked at him.

"In order to adopt the child, we have to adopt their siblings." Dad scratched the back of his neck.

"How many are we talking here?" I looked from dad to mom.

Mom perked up. "Two girls and a boy."

I grabbed the pie. "If I can have this whole pie, then I am fine with it."

Dad laughed. "Take the whole pie."

I grabbed it and a fork. "Come on Gus Gus. We have a pie to eat."

Mom huffed. I stuck my head back in from the living room. "By the way, I am totally fine with that. More in the nest is good."

I grinned big before disappearing in the living room. I walked over and sat by Gus. "Ready to eat some pie?"

"Duh, E." We started to dig in.

I looked over at Gus who was staring at me. "What?"

"I like you." He blushed.

"Whatever, you love me." His face got even redder.

I kissed his cheek. "I love you too."

He smiled that crooked smile. Things had been hard but I was ready to move forward. Ready for anything at this point. If I don't have to go through what I did last fall, I think things will be peaceful from now on. 

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