Chapter 11

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Beth and I stopped by the drug store before heading home. She had to get her mom's medicine. As we waited, we looked around.

I came over to Beth who was standing at the pain reliever meds. She grabbed two boxes putting it into her bag. "Beth, put that back."

"No." She walked off to the next aisle.

I ran after her. "What if you get caught? You can't steal."

"I'm not going to get caught. I have done it before. Now let's get my mom's meds." She walked to the counter.

I went outside to wait on her. No way was I going to go down for something I didn't do. I paced in front of the door.

Beth finally came out. "You didn't get caught?"

"No. I told you I wouldn't." She rolled her eyes.

We started walking. "Why steal them in the first place?"

"Because I can. I don't expect you to understand." She started walking faster.

"I can try. Is it money? I can help. Is something going on at home?" I grabbed her arm so she would stop.

She jerked away. "Nothing is going on Estella."

I scratched my head. "Just tell me if there is, please."

Beth looked irritated but then she smiled. Like a switch. "I am fine. Come on. I have to get these to my mom."

We parted ways once again at the corner of North Street. I was ready to get home. I felt tired. More than normal. Juggling two friends was hard. I hated having to do it. But I done it. I loved hanging with both.

I went straight to the kitchen when I got home. I grabbed an orange juice from the refrigerator. I sat at the island. Mom and dad weren't home today which left me by myself.

There was a knock on the side door. I looked over. It was Gus. I motioned for him to come in.

"Are you drawing me again?" He laughed taking a seat beside me.

"Very funny. I just like drawing you. You are my friend." I nudged him with my shoulder.

He smiled the crooked smile. "About that rain check on pie." He dug into his pocket bring out two pieces of wrapped up pie.

I laughed. "You know mom made more. There are two more over there on the counter."

He looked over and blushed. "Well, still, I brought it and we are going to eat it."

I heard a knock at the door. "Okay, get the forks. I will be right back."

I walked to the front door. As I opened it I started to panic. It was Beth. "Hey Estella."

"Beth, what are you doing here?" I blocked the view of the kitchen.

"I felt bad about earlier. I wanted to apologize again and figured we could do a movie night." She grinned.

From behind I heard Gus yell. "E, where are the forks?"

I looked behind me then back to Beth. She had gone to pissed off mode. "He is here. While your parents are out. What the fuck Estella?"

"Beth, I am sorry. He just wanted to hang out." I ran after her.

She turned around. "You said you two were done. I thought I was the only one."

Gus came out. "E, where is..."

I turned around. "Not right now Gus. Go back inside. I will be there in a minute."

He took off back inside. I turned back to Beth. "Beth, you are my best friend. But I should be allowed to have other friends."

"Whatever. You just want to get rid of me." Beth was scaring me.

"No, I don't. I love hanging out with you Beth. I just like hanging out with Gus too." I tried not to cry.

Beth started screaming. "I fucking love you. I'm in love with you and you fucking cheat on me with him. What a fucking joke."

I held my hands up in defense. "Beth, we aren't together. We are best friends. Gus is my friend."

She screamed as loud as she could. I grabbed her trying to hug her and tell her it was okay. That I was there. But she broke away from me.

"Stay the fuck away from me. You are such a slut. I hate you." Then she ran off.

I stood there frozen. I had no clue what had just happened. Before I could stop myself, I fell to my knees bursting into tears.

Gus was there to catch me. He held me while I cried. I didn't know what I was going to do. I had no clue what was going to happen. I didn't want to lose my best friend.

After my crying spell. Gus and I had gone inside. I told him to just go home and I would talk to him tomorrow. He respected that and hugged me before he left. I was worried about Beth. I had never seen her do this before. She had never acted that way before. 

P.B.F (Psycho Best Friend)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ