Chapter 7

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I was at my locker when Gus came up leaning against Beth's locker. "Hey, how are you?"

"Not good Gus Gus. I am going to see her after school." I slung my bag on my shoulder.

He smiled. "I am sure everything will be ok E."

"I sure do hope so. Walk me to the corner of North Street?" I gave a weak smile.

Gus held his arm out. "Sure thing."

When we got to the corner of North Street, Gus and I parted ways. I took off towards Beth's hoping she would see me. Hoping she was feeling okay. I didn't want her to be mad at me. I was trying to be nice to everyone. Was that such a crime?

I stood on the sidewalk in front of her house. I took a deep breath and went up to her door. I ran the doorbell.

I heard someone walking. Soon the door opened, revealing Beth. "Hey."

She went to shut the door. "Wait a minute."

"What do you want?" She folded her arms.

"I am sorry, okay. I am sorry I invited Gus to the movie. I am sorry I was a crap friend. I wasn't trying to hurt anyone's feelings. I wasn't trying to hurt yours." I rushed in one breath.

We stood there for a bit before she finally gave in. "It is okay. Come on, let's go to my room."

I smiled. Thank gosh she forgave me. We went up to her room. Although I wore punk and gothic clothing, Beth's room looked like it was throw up from punk and goth. She had candles lit. Posters of her favorite artist who mostly sung about death and the devil. Let me just say we are different. I didn't listen to stuff like that. I was spiritual. I believed in a greater power. But the stuff she listened and watched, sometimes scared me.

Beth was into a lot of freaky and scary stuff. Like suicide stories and murders. She loved Richard Ramirez, who was also plastered on her wall. I guess we were different kinds of goths. If you could say that. I'm not sure.

I sat on her bed. "I missed my bestie at school today."

She put on some music and sat down across from me in her chair. "Really? Gus didn't keep you company?"

"Some. But we only have the one class together." Her jaw tightened.

"How was the movie last night?" She leaned her head on her hand.

I shifted on the bed. "It was great. Sucked you weren't there though. We can go this weekend if you'd like."

"Gus going to be there?" She was looking right through me.

I shook my head. "No. It will just be us. I promise."

Beth looked at me a little longer then smiled. "Alright. This weekend, we will have a girl's movie weekend. I can't wait."

"I can't wait either." She came over and sat down beside me giving me a hug.

"Well, you better get home. Your bitch of a mother will be angry if you are late." She rolled her eyes.

I got up going to her door. "Later."

She nodded while she pressed her lips. I walked downstairs with a frown on my face. I hated when she called my mom a bitch. It sucked. But I couldn't say anything because the last time she made me feel guilty for taking up for my mom.

I was frowning the whole way home. I loved Beth. I didn't understand her sometimes though. I walked through the door and her my mom and dad laughing from the kitchen.

I laid my bag down on the bench by the stairs. I made my way slowly to the kitchen. When mom saw me, she came quickly over to me.

"Honey, what's wrong? Are you okay?" She was moving her hands around checking on me.

I moved away a bit. "Yeah, I'm fine."

"Okay." She turned to our guest. "This is the neighbors. The Lynch's."

I looked up and was meet by the greenest meadow eyes. Then looked to his parents. "Hello."

They waved and said hey. Gus got up and walked over to me. He leaned in and whispered. "Are you sure you are okay?"

"Can we talk outside?" I grabbed his arm.

I pulled him out to the side porch. "What's wrong E?"

"I am just sad Gus Gus." I sat on the outside couch.

He came to sit by me. "What happened at Beth's?"
"We talked and everything was good. I was happy to have her back. Then she called my mom a bitch like she usually does." I frowned even more.

"Woah. Over the line. Does she even know your mom? I mean I know parents and teens aren't supposed to get along all the time but your mom is nice. She maybe stern but she seems cool enough." Gus looked offended.

I didn't say anything. "Why didn't you tell her off?"

"I have before. Then she made me feel guilty about it. Like I shouldn't be sticking up for my mom." I began to tear up.

Gus grabbed me into a hug. "Hey, it's all right. I am here."

I rubbed my eyes. "Thank you."

He rubbed my back. "E, she shouldn't say stuff like that. She also shouldn't make you feel guilty. Friends don't do that."

I broke away from him. "Everything was fine a couple weeks in. Then she started doing it. She makes me feel guilty about everything."

Gus looked down at his feet then to me. "Is that why you felt so guilty last night?"

"Yeah, I guess so. Just how it is now." I wiped my face with my sleeve.

Gus's parents came out the house. "Time to go home Gus."

"Okay, be there a second dad." He looked from his dad to me. "Estella, it shouldn't be like that. Just be careful."

After he gave me a hug, he followed his parents into their house. I got up walking into my house. I walked past mom and dad who were starting dinner.

"Are you not going to eat?" Dad asked me while I went past.

"Not hungry. Going to bed. Love you guys." I went up to my room.

I laid on my bed. I stared at the ceiling for the longest before I got up to take a shower. When I was in there, that is when I started crying. Why did I feel like this? What was going on?

I got out and went back to my room. I opened my closet throwing down my sleeping bag and pillow. I laid down hugging up to my pillow. I stared out across my room. The moon was full, shining through my wind.

I watched the moonlight become the sunlight that night. I got up getting ready for school. If I wanted Beth to not be upset and mad at me, I knew I would have to avoid Gus. That's the only way I knew how to keep things okay. 

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