Chapter 36

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Chapter 36 Words 玑

Chapter 36 Words 玑

The name of the treasurer, Li, was originally the second treasurer. A year and a half ago, relying on Ba Jie Xie Qingrong climbed the position of the treasurer. He held the power of the treasurer and flattered him in front of Xie Qingrong. In front of the buddy, he is high and arrogant.

After the beginning of the skirt, Qufu became a qi dress. Some women think that Qufu is wrapped up in a circle, too arrogant, no longer a woman's noble and solemn, making the people who buy Qufu less and less. Xie Kee Yipu is the only clothing shop in Beijing that sells Qufu, and is often visited by old customers who love Qufu.

However, Li's treasurer was on the top, and he saw that the trend of Qufu had gone. Regardless of the dissuasion of others, he sold the skirt with the wind. Six months ago, he was mad at Chen's tailor and Wang tailor who followed Xie's design song.

Xie Kee Yipu is the first clothing store in Beijing. Li's treasurer is not willing to sell it to the untouchables, but he is not able to look down on the unconventional skirts designed by his tailors. Therefore, this year and a half did not make a big profit. On the contrary, because there were too many similar clothes, the business went downhill. Nowadays, because of the attitude of ignorance, a large number of old customers have been driven away, creating a plight of sparsely populated people.

"Li treasurer, I must have known you, now I am the wife of the first birthday, and the owner of all the land titles of Xie."

Xie's title deed, Xiao Xiao was returned to Shen's early in the morning. Speaking at the moment, it is purely Liwei.

"I have seen a new owner! I don't know if the owner is coming..."

Looking at the charming position of Li's dog's legs, Xiao Xiao smiled slightly and said: "Miss this day happens to be free. I'll come here to check the account." She sat on the chair in a robes, a big The gas court where the lady came, "take the account book of this month's clothes shop."

Seeing that Xiao Xiao suddenly came to check the account, Li's treasurer frowned, and his heart immediately panicked. But when I thought that this big lady who didn't learn to do anything, now only brought a squatter, I am afraid it is really a temporary rise, I have thought about the addiction of reading.

"What happened to Li's treasurer? Is it difficult to have a problem with the books?" Xiao said with dissatisfaction.

"No, of course, no problem! Just remember a little chaos, Miss Miss Haihan." I thought that Xiao Xiao couldn't understand the books at all, and Li was not worried about handing this month's books. When she is a shopkeeper, she usually prepares two accounts, one for her own, and one for the owner after she finishes the account at the beginning of each month. This brief night was suddenly seen, and Li's treasurer had to give the book he had recorded.

Originally thought that Xiao Xiao just flipped two pages at random, and put on the shelf to pass the eye addiction. Who knows that she looked at it carefully and carefully, and the brows became more and more tight, and the heart of Li's treasurer immediately became empty.

Xiao Xiao turned over four or five pages and found that the books were all running accounts. They were neither divided into items, nor divided into detailed and detailed. They simply recorded the daily money and goods in and out according to the sequence of time.

This is a bookkeeping method more than ten years ago, which is rough and impractical. In the progress of recent years, the accounting of the Eastern Wei Dynasty has been refined into separate accounts. For example, Xiao's detailed account generally uses three-column loose-leaf books, which is a supplement to the general ledger, clear and detailed. At the end of the month, when the inventory is cleared, it will not be wrong.

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