Conspirators and stairway passion

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"Uhhhh", I groaned. "Do I have to?"

Hurt flitted across Max's features. "Yeah, you do! I want you to get to know her better, J.C!"

I sighed.

Wonderful. An evening of me being the third wheel. 

"But I'll just feel like the third wheel!" I complained, no filter and all.

"Aww, you will be fine, James!" Max rolled his eyes. "Don't be such a drama queen. It'll be fun. You could always bring a date if that makes you feel better."

A double date? 

I contemplated that for a moment, pained, then my eyes lit up.

"Can I bring Calliope?"

Max's wicked grin spread over his features. "Sure you can! Wait... are you two dating?" he added with excitement in his voice.

"No, we're not dating, Max. But I like her, she's fun to be around."

"Sure man, whatever you say." Max sent me a mischievous smile. 

After a moment of silence, I sighed again.

"Fiiinneee... I'll ask her if she wants to come."

"Awesome! Lily will be so happy."

Well, now I'll only have to convince Calliope to tag along on what will probably be the most awkward day ever.


I walked up the stairs to my apartment just as Calliope came rushing down. 

"Oh, hey, James!"

"Hi, Cal. You heading out?"

"Yeah, going to see Kai. Wanna come?"

I was taken aback by her question, but I found it strangely endearing that she'd ask me to accompany her when I barely knew the kid.

"I'd love to, but I already have plans," I said with sincere regret.

"Oh, okay! Well, see ya later, then!" She winked and brushed past me. My hand shot out and touched her wrist lightly.

"Wait! I've been meaning to ask you something." I took a deep breath as Calliope's expectant gaze met mine. "You remember Max, the one with the Camaro?"

She grinned and nodded. "Yeah, I do. How's he doing?"

"He's great. He... He's getting married to Lily next year. Since I'm his best friend... yeah it's quite tragic, the poor fellow doesn't have anyone else..." I smiled tightly and rubbed a hand over the back of my head convulsively. "Well, anyway, he wants me to get to know Lily better, so he asked me on this weird date with the both of them, and I really, really don't want to go alone because that will be sooooo awkward, so I wanted to ask if you... maybe... I know you probably won't want to but... Maybe you could come with me? I mean it will be plain out boring. They're planning on grabbing dinner somewhere and then they want to take a walk or somethin'... Who the hell does that, anyway?" My mouth just wouldn't shut up and I noticed Calliope staring at me with amusement.

"Are you asking me on a date, James?" Her voice held barely suppressed mirth.

I groaned. "No, I'm asking you to save me from a horribly embarrassing evening as the third wheel."

Calliope laughed.  "Hmmmm... Okay, I'll do it."


"Really?" Damn the no filter. I couldn't help the grin crawling over my face. Somehow, her yes felt monumental. She had said yes to me.

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