The smiles and the laughter

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Calliope's voice turned squeaky and she crunched up her face in a perfect imitation of Mrs Bennet. "Oh, Mister Bennet, how can you tease me so?"

I looked at her and cracked up with laughter at her silly face. I couldn't even tell you what made me laugh so hard. Her face, her tone of voice, maybe even the fact that I knew she hated Mrs Bennet with a vengeance. Callie's eyes flew to me and after a moment of almost stunned surprise, she joined me in my mirth.

I could tell you of a thousand moments, a hundred shades of laughter that have brightened my life.  But this one, this was my favourite kind of laughter. That half-surprised, half-proud sound that pearled out of Callie whenever she made me laugh unexpectedly, whenever she was unwillingly and unknowingly funny. The one that made her eyebrows rise up and her eyes gleam, as if lighted from within.

**Mrs Bennet is a fictional character in Jane Austen's "Pride and Prejudice". I highly recommend the movie starring Keira Knightley if you do not want to read the book.**

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