A safe haven

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*Callie's boots on top.*

Today was the day. I would ask Calliope out. Weeks had passed since our kind-of date with Max and Lily, and I had tried to come to terms with what I felt, but everytime I considered it too closely, fear gripped my heart and I pushed it back into the farthest corner of my mind. The day had ended on the sweetest note, with the softest kiss and the warmest looks. Yet, it had ended, and ever since, Calliope and I had seemed to float in that in-between space, where half-embarrassed, shy looks and comments turned the air around you awkward and the initial playful lightness took a backseat. 

I didn't want that. So I would ask her out. I heard the sound of jingling keys in the corridor, then the click of Callie's lock. Straigthening my black shirt, I rushed out.


At the sound of my voice, she turned around. I felt the heat rise into my cheeks, and brushed a hand over my neck awkwardly.

"Hey, James. Are you alright?" Callie asked with an amused arch of her brow.

"Yeah, yeah. Great, actually."

There was an expectant pause.

"And you? How about you? Are you doing okay?"

"Eh, yes, I'm fine. Thank you."

There it was, the stiff politeness, the awkward pauses. Calliope's eyes darted to the ground as she bit her lip.

"Eh, you know, I-" I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. "I was wondering if you, you know-"

"Would you like to go out with me, James?" The words exploded out of Callie's mouth in a harsh rush. Her wide eyes snapped to mine and she clasped her hands over her mouth as if she wanted to take the words back. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean for it to come out so rude. I... I..." Her eyes darted between my own and I felt my whole face soften. A shit-eating grin lifted my lips.

"I would love to go out with you, wildcat." The tone of my voice was strangely soft.

Calliope's eyes filled with warmth and joy, while an equally wide grin flattened her lush lips. We stood on the landing, grinning at each other like fools for what felt like forever.

"Okay," Callie finally breathed.

"Okay," I echoed her, running a nervous hand through my hair.

She took a step towards me, at the same time as I stepped towards her. Our eyes snapped back to each other and we both laughed.

"So, uh, what would you like to do?" Calliope asked, biting her lip.

I took a deep breath and brushed my hand through my hair once again.

"How about you let me plan everything, and I surprise you?" I asked.

Her eyes lit up like a Christmas tree. "Wouldn't that be unfair, seeing as, technically, I'm the one who asked you out?"

I chuckled. "Maybe, but I already have an idea. Next time your turn?" I didn't even question if there would be a next time. My heart felt big and thumped in my chest loud enough to drown out the fear that still sat somewhere in my stomach.

Calliope's grin widened impossibly. "Deal."

"Deal," I echoed her again in a whisper. My hand reached out to tuck a stray curl behind Calliope's ear and I watched the rosy glow on her cheeks, mesmerized.

"See you then, I guess?"

Calliope smiled. "Yeah, see you then."

We both turned around and went to our apartments.

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