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Dear reader,

When I began to write this story, I had no idea where it would take me. Like so many of my stories, it started out as a vague idea, a few scattered impressions and half-baked scenes. When I finally saw what it would turn into, it surprised me more than anyone. I have never written anything like this, and I never thought I would, fantasy-nerd that I am.

You might think: "Urgh, great. Another lovestory."

Or you might have clicked on this story, expecting steam, and drama, and heartbreak or a dominant bad boy and teenage angst, painful relationships and bitter tears.

This story is not like that, though, even if some of the above have a place in it. It is an homage to love and to life. It is a love letter to Calliope and to James.

Sweeter than an endless summer day.

Warmer than the sun-kissed blackberries that remind me of a happy childhood.

Lighter than the carefree laughter of a little girl hunting for grasshoppers behind her best friend's house.

Softer than the voice of a father when he reassures his girl that she never has to stop playing outside if she doesn't want to.

And more passionate than a child's fervent quest for all things magical.

I hope this caleidoscope of life, this written flipbook of love, gives you a bunch of sweet moments, just like it gave me when I wrote it.

If nothing else, I hope you leave this story with a smile on your face.

Heaven knows we could all do with more smiles.

I wish you well, wherever you are.


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