While Your Sleep

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Ansel's Thoughts

I really wish y/n was up right now. she's knocked out sleep while I'm trying hard to be like her & sleep. I should wake her up but she will be cranky at 8am when I have to get up so that might not be a good idea. But then again it might be worth it because she didn't tell me about her day or how she was feeling. I came all in the house & started talking about myself & getting her to help me pack. Damn I'm a bad boyfriend today...I'll be sure to make it up to her.

She looks so tired so I guess I'll leave her alone. Damn how am I missing my girlfriend & she's right here beside me I'm really a sucker. I'm getting really soft.

Let me check twitter and then hopefully that will make me sleepy. I want to tweet but then again I don't. I need to get me that peaceful rainfall sleeping music I really want to see if that can really work for me......(teethe he) wow bae giggles in her sleep. that is so weird & cool at the same time. I wonder what she is dreaming about. I know most likely it's about me. That would be so cool if I can get her dreams projected on the tv so I can see it.

I had some pizza rolls earlier today & they were on point. Just thinking about them is making me hungry. I should get some food I know that will make me go to sleep. I changed my mind...I'm half naked & it's going to be cold getting out the bed & I don't need to be getting hard & yeah let me not think that because I'm going to get mad hahaha & the kitchen is far away. I don't feel like getting up.

Awww bae is reaching for me...she wants to cuddle me in her sleep. Aw babe is cold...that makes no sense we have like 6 blankets on this bed & she's like cold especially her arms & hands..its a possibly she can be a vampire... she makes a sexy one too. ...wow that's crazy Y/n has a habit of doing this. She lays on me & I never knew until now she does this in her sleep. Oh damn I'm depressed...i wonder what she's does when I'm not here..I guess she just cuddles another blanket. that makes sense but wow that sucks that I'm equivalent to

a pillow...Oh wait I'm feeling it...yeah I'm sleepy now...goodnight world.

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