His Relationship With Your Family

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I was doing laundry while watching the football game. Of course if was during a commercial I would fold clothes and put a load of clothes in.I had ordered us pizza and wings since neither one of us wanted to cook today. While I was putting clothes in the washer I heard Ansel on the phone with someone. Normally I can tell who he's on the phone with by what he says but this time I couldn't figure it out. I finished putting clothes in the washer then going back in the entertainment room with Ans. He then said he was going to call back whoever later just right after I heard them make plans & they hung up.

"Who was that?" I asked

"I was talking to pop about the game" Ansel said laughing then focusing back in on the game.

"Oh..whos pop?" I said not knowing who he's talking about

"I call your father Pop y/n " Ansel said making me feel dumb

"I knew that" I said trying to play it off

"Yeah uhhuh....im going out with him next Saturday to hang with him & Braxton and Clint" Ansel said telling me about his plans I heard him make

"Well just not invite me to see my dad and brothers " I said feeling offended

"If pop wanted to see you he would have called you or told me he wanted you to go...it's just us guys hanging out..pop is right you are a handful" Ansel said

"I'm not a handful" I said feeling offended

"You are " Ansel said jokingly

I decided to get my phone and call my dad.

"What are you doing?" Ansel asked

"CallIng Pop" I said & my dad answered the phone

"Yes baby girl?" my dad answered

"You think I'm a handful dad?" I asked

"Your my princess & I know you...your just like your mother." He said

"Dad that's not nice "I said

"Are you taking care of him & not driving him crazy?"my dad asked referring to. Ansel

"Yes..so your going to hang with him next Saturday

"You can come see me after we hang out" My dad says

"What?" I said shocked

"Its just us guys hanging next time princess you and your mom can go ok" my dad said

"Whatever dad...bye dad" I said

"Bye sweetheart...I still love you" My dad says making me laugh

"Love you too" I said then we hung up.

"I told you so" Ansel said making me laugh

"Whatever " i said

"I still love you" Ansel said kissing me.

I love how they get along so well. My dad calls Ansel and they can talk for hours about God knows what & it's the same for my brothers. I can't wait till we all get together again. It makes me happy.

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