Chapter 2

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Forth got off work in time to pick up Beam from the hospital. He walked into the hospital until he reached the nurses' station. As soon as the nurses saw him, they started screaming and yelling.Beam who was in the locker room changing his clothes after his shift chuckled hearing the screams down the hall.

"Looks like your hubby is here," Phana said as he came out of the shower. He had just finished assisting in major surgery and decided to freshen up before leaving.

Beam laughed out loud before gathering his stuff.

"Have a good evening with Yo, Pha..." He said and left with a wink. He knew how Phana was excited to go home. He was so tied up with work that he couldn't spend time with Wayo. After almost a week, he was able to take his husband of 6 months on a date. 

Beam slung his bag on his shoulder as he walked up to the nurses' station where he saw his husband being the center of their attention. Forth turned around to meet his husband who stood beside him now before pulling him into his arms and greeting him with a kiss on the lips.

"Hi, baby," Forth smiled which made Beam blush and bury his head in Forth's chest. Though Beam the well-known ex-Casanova was quite manly in his looks, he still is the guy who couldn't resist his blushing cheeks when he hears his husband's tone of endearment. The nurses all squealed at the scene in front of them. 

"Let's go home. Bye ladies," Forth turned both of them around. The nurses squealed and screamed again.

"Gosh! He's so hot!" one of them, Plaifah said.

"That's the millionth time I heard you say that!" another nurse Pang replied.

"Well, he is! They both are made for each other," Plaifah defended.

"Of course, they are! Now, don't you have somewhere to be?" Pang asked.

"Oh shit! Bye!" she ran off down the corridor to the elevator.

Forth and Beam got into the car and drove home. They both spoke about their day with soft music playing on the radio. They reached their house which Forth had bought when he and Beam got married. It was a big house with a back deck, a swimming pool, and a garden in the backyard. There was a medium-sized basketball court also. The house had four bedrooms including a master bedroom with a balcony view overlooking the garden and the pool.

Forth had surprised Beam with the design of the house when he proposed to him. Beam hadn't expected it. He was speechless. He was so happy and he felt so lucky to have a fiancé like Forth. He expressed his love by pushing Forth down onto his bed and straddling him that night and taking the day off the next day to cuddle with him.

When they reached home, they got out of the garage and climbed the stairs. They entered the living room and collapsed onto the couch. Forth pulled Beam into his arms. Beam laid his head onto Forth's shoulder while playing with his fingers.

"I missed you," Forth kissed Beam's hair. Beam chuckled and looked up to look at his husband's face.

"Too cheesy," he said.

"Well, you make me cheesy baby," Forth winked Beam got up and playfully pushed Forth's chest away. But Forth quickly pulled Beam back into his embrace.

"My Rambo with muscles but Romeo at heart," Beam mumbled with a chuckle into the hug.

"Do you want to go out baby?" Forth asked and Beam looked up.

"Where to?" he asked and Forth pretended to think which earned him a playful smack on the chest from Beam making him laugh.

"How about you go freshen up and I'll make some arrangements?" Forth said raising his eyebrows.

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