Chapter 9

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The night with their friends was the only time they could enjoy being together and especially with their loved ones.

The days ahead of them were hectic.

The work for the interns at the Kongthanin hospital was doubled. They sometimes had to cover the shifts of others. They didn't even have time to enjoy their weekend. Only a few hours of sleep was the only source of energy for them. Though he had a very busy schedule, Beam still found time to practice the guitar during his breaks as opposed to sleeping like others. If Ohm was free he would help Beam out or else he would just ask Beam to practice the chords he already learned.

Meanwhile Forth was also busy. He had to attend a couple of conferences in the city as well as in Chiang Mai. When he wasn't at conference meetings, he was busy with his clients or on his laptop.

And he simply couldn't shake off this Ethan guy. Forth would always stumble upon the guy either at the coffee shop or at the bar. Sometimes Ethan would pop up at his office and drag some excuse saying that he was passing by or he needed an opinion or Forth's approval in some documents.

It was Monday afternoon when Ethan walked into Forth's office again grumbling about how a client of his, decided not to sign a contract with them at the last moment. But Forth was pissed off with his own problems. He didn't need others to share theirs right now.

"Urgh! P'Ethan why the fuck do you keep coming here?" Forth growled. He had finally lost his patience. His peaceful weekend was interrupted when the company was asked to complete a project within three months instead of six months. Now everyone was busy and this guy was just adding fuel to the burning fire.

"Oh come on! Relax Nong... You're stressed out and it's not good for you" Ethan was quickly behind Forth's chair ready to massage his shoulders. Forth jerked away from Ethan's touch.

"Don't touch me!" He almost yelled out.

"Geez! Alright! No need to get so worked up. I just thought you needed it seeing that you are so stressed with all the work," Ethan walked away to stand beside Forth's desk.

"I'm fine. I don't need a massage from you." He bit back.

"Fine. Just trying to help you out" Ethan shrugged.

"You want to help me?" Forth asked to which Ethan nodded eagerly.

"Then. Leave!" Forth practically yelled. "I'm already tired out from my work. I don't need you to annoy the life out of me. Just get the fuck out of here! And stop following me!" Forth groaned.

"Following you? I wasn't following you? Those meet-ups were mere coincidences. I didn't plan all those stuff. I have my own schedules to go about." Ethan denied it with a bit of innocence and anger in his voice.

"Then why don't you do that? Go do your own fucking work, Phi.  And leave me the fuck alone!" Forth yelled.

"Fine! I'll just leave!" Ethan stomped off and banged the door as he left.

'Go to hell. I don't even care!' Forth thought as he relaxed and listened to the traffic noises on the busy streets of Bangkok with the footsteps of his employees outside his office. His office was now peaceful and he could finally focus on his work without any disturbances.


Beam had finally finished his tiring shift. He changed into his casual clothes before leaving the hospital. Since it was around seven, he decided to stop at his favorite cafe and have a cup of coffee. He walked into the cafe and sat down by the counter.

"The usual dear?" a middle-aged lady behind the counter asked. Beam smiled at her.

"Make it double please," Beam said. The lady nodded before going about her work.

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