Chapter Seven

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"Are you sure you want to stay?" Eliza looked with soft eyes at the young girl. She had her bags packed and Alex was waiting by their brooms. It was finally the day that most of Hogwarts left for Christmas.

"Yes, I promise. And I promise I'll send a letter if there's anything wrong." Kara spoke soothingly in hope that they would leave faster. She wanted to surprise Lena this morning, but she knows that her friend wakes up early.

"Okay. I love you." She quickly said and heard Kara's similar response as she rushed off towards Alex, who had a huge grin on her face. The pair mounted their brooms and sped off into the sky, following large crowds of students leaving for the train station.


Kara couldn't help the smile plastered on her face as she skipped into the open Slytherin dorms. Luckily, the girls dorm was silent and each bed was made and empty besides Lena's, where she lay tucked in.

The blonde rushed over and carefully sat on the edge of the bed, gazing down at the girl. Her dark hair spread out on the grey pillow. Her lips parted slightly. Her chest slowly rising up and down as she slowly breathed. Part of her didn't want to interrupt her slumber, but she was too excited for the day ahead and placed a hand on Lena's shoulder.

"Lena?" She softly whispered, lowering her head slightly. "Lena?" Kara's voice was a little louder the second time. Suddenly, Lena escaped her sleep with wide eyes and heavy breathing. The sudden deep breath scared Kara, but she shrugged it off when Lena looked up at her with an awkward smile.
"Sorry. Nightmare." She explained, pushing herself upright. Kara removed her hand from her shoulder and placed it in her own lap.

"N-Nightmare? Are you sure you're-"

"I'm fine. Don't worry." Lena brushed her away as she rose to her feet and walked towards her trunk, opening it swiftly. Her black pyjamas were silky and flowed as she walked. Kara herself was wearing blue jeans and an oversized white jumper, with brown boots.

"I-Uh... You missed breakfast." Kara told her, but Lena just lifted her shoulders and dropped them straight after. She pulled out her Slytherin sweater, white polo shirt and black skirt, and took a step towards the divider that allowed her to get changed in privacy. Kara furrowed her eyebrows and jolted up onto her feet. "Why are you wearing your uniform?"

Lena's cheeks visibly turned rosey as she pulled the items to her stomach.
"My-Uh-Mother didn't let me bring anything else. She said school is to learn and nothing else and that I would look like a muggle. I've never understood the last part... since wizards and witches don't always wear uniform-"

"You're not wearing it. No way." Kara folded her arms insistently. Lena raised one of her perfect eyebrows.

"What do you expect me to wear?" A flush of confidence ran through her veins for a moment.

"Stay here."

200 reads?? Thank you so much!hopefully you're all enjoying the book :) If you have any ideas you can comment them down and I will try my best to fulfil them.

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