Chapter One

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It was a late at night in L-Corp, Lena sat doing work at her desk, mindlessly typing away at her computer. She had more experiments to do with the Harun-El, and she had a willing volunteer coming the next day. She sighed heavily and rubbed her temples when a mysterious blonde walked in. Lena looked up from her desk and frowned at the woman, "I wasn't expecting anyone else today."

The blonde held up her psychic paper, "I'm with Scotland Yard, I have heard about your experiments and I want in." The blonde said resolutely, putting the psychic paper away in a flash, "You're experimenting with materials not from this planet, Kryptonian."

She spoke too quickly for Lena to keep up, "Firstly, no one else knows about this so how did you find out about it?" Her hand slid beneath the desk to grab the nearest weapon she had, "And, I know that you showed me psychic paper. I'm clever, so who are you really?"

The Doctor frowned, "Okay, fine. You really are smart."

Lena's eyebrow quirked up, and a firm smile graced her lips, "If you have psychic paper that either means you are an imposter from another company trying to steal my work, or you're an alien, which is it?"

"Well, at least I'm not here to assassinate you, which I'm not." The Doctor added quickly as Lena stood up, "I'm the Doctor, that's all you need to know."

"You have no title? Just like Supergirl." She nodded slowly, "You know..." She said, lowering her eyes to the floor, "I've had enough of lies, so Doctor, tell me who you really are and why do you know about my projects?"

The Doctor bit her lip slowly, "I think what you are doing..." She began, "I think it's evolutionary. You're trying to cure cancer, using a rock that was from Krypton, but of course you wouldn't just happen to get your hands on it. You can't travel in space, so...that means you stole it."

"What Supergirl doesn't know can't hurt her." Lena replied, pointedly, "And I'm using it for the greater good, not evil."

"Oh I know." The Doctor nodded slowly, "And I think it's brilliant. I don't want anything from you by the way, I just want in. Whatever you are doing, I want in on."

Lena merely laughed at this, "No one ever comes to me unless they want something. What do you want? Money? My life?" The Luthor crossed her arms over her chest, "Who are you really Doctor?" Lena's defences were now up, "As I said, no one but me and Eve know about these trials, so how the hell did you come across them?"

The Doctor, in shock, panicked, "I'm just a traveller."

Lena scoffed, "I'm going to need more than that...I don't trust you, I don't even know who you are, you just sauntered into my place of work with no explanation and no real name. Who. Are. you?"

"I've already told you. I'm the Doctor, I'm an alien. I have two hearts and I'm not here to steal anything from you. I'm here to commend you!" The Doctor snapped, holding her hands out in front of her.

Lena raised the gun, shaking her head, "You come across as a little eccentric."

"Sound familiar?" The Doctor said in the silence, getting at something, which clearly irritated Lena more as she loaded the gun, "Fine, fine. I was there Lena. When your mum died. I was there. You were four years old and you couldn't do anything. You blame yourself to this day and that is the reason why you are doing all this." She said, gesturing around her office, "You're using Kryptonian rock to try and find the cure to cancer and that is amazing! A lot of people see you as evil, when really, you are doing the right thing. In the name of the mother you lost. In the name of the one woman you loved with all of your heart. You're pure and good. That's what you are trying to prove to everyone, but you don't have to prove yourself to me, because I know Lena." The Doctor locked eyes with her, walking closer to her, "I know a good woman when I see one and you are just that. You may believe that you are tainted and that you could turn at any time, but...I don't believe that." The Doctor said, shaking her head, "And neither does Kara."

Lena held back tears as she stared at the Doctor. Whilst this woman knew her way to her heart, she was also a stranger and refused to let her in, "Who are you?"

"All that you need to know is that you are loved, you are kind, and Kara and I? We won't ever let anyone hurt you. I promise you that." The Doctor said sharply as Lena lowered her gun. The Doctor almost breathed a sigh of relief, but there was an explosion which knocked the two women off of their feet, the Doctor throwing herself onto Lena to protect her. After the debris and dust began to clear, the Doctor helped Lena up, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah." Lena gasped, feeling a warm trickle falling down her head. It was blood from a minor cut. She quickly wiped it away as a man appeared from the darkness.

The Doctor glared at the man and stood in front of Lena, "Lex Luthor, I presume?" The Doctor almost growled through gritted teeth, "You know it's funny how you show up when I do. Things like this always happen to me."

The man laughed, "And who might you be?" He asked as he straightened the tie that he was wearing along with his immaculate suit, "That shouldn't matter anyway, I'm not here for you." He then smiled, "I should have you shot."

The Doctor glared at him, raising her chin, "I'm an alien, I'm more use to you than you think."

Lex tutted, "I am very disappointed with you Lena, first you converse with the Supers and now this..." He then growled, glaring at the Doctor, "Thing."

"Time Lord." The Doctor sneered, "If you look me up, you'll find my picture right next to genocide."

Lena swallowed hard, her brother was standing there, but he was nothing but a monster. Something Lena feared she would become if she ever lost her hope or got lost on the path of the right.

The Doctor pulled out her sonic, and scanned Lex, "He's after something. He's after you. He wants you to be executed." She then stared Lex dead in the eyes, "That's what you're here for isn't it? You made quite the entrance."

Lex waved his hand dismissively, "Genocide? You don't look like the type to commit such a crime."

"Looks can deceive." The Doctor replied quickly, "I thought you being a ruthless Luthor, you of all people would know that."

Lex kept one hand in his pocket as he walked towards the Doctor. He stopped mere inches away from her, just so that they were almost eye level with each other, "Tell me, Doctor, Lord of Time..." He smiled as he looked behind her at Lena. He then leaned into the Doctor and spoke in her ear, "Do you think that of my sister? Do you think she is ruthless?"

The Doctor merely smirked, "No, unlike you, she has brains. You don't even have brains. You are as bad as the Children of Liberty, but one thing at a time, eh?"

Lex laughed, "You know Doctor, you could be quite useful and...You are brave, I'll give you that." His smile then instantly vanished. A cold chill ran down Lena's spine as she observed, there was nothing of the brother she once knew inside of him. Lex ordered his men to aim their guns at the Doctor and was now stood across the room, "Move out of my way."

The Doctor was stuck, but she wasn't going to let Lex get away with this. Lena just prayed that Supergirl would turn up in this very moment, because she knew that even with words, her and the Doctor would not get out of this alive on their own.

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