The Night Went Dark

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The Doctor swallowed hard. She stared at Lex, her every instinct telling her to do something. Then it clicked, "Okay, Okay." She said, raising her hands, "I get it, you want me dead because I'm an alien and you hate them because you have a weird grudge against Superman. I'm here to tell you that not every alien is the same. We are not all how you view us." She then stepped forward, "What did Superman do to you Lex? What made you go all crazy about us?"

Lena frowned heavily at the Doctor, even she wanted answers. The Doctor was an alien, one of the bravest aliens that Lena had met, other than Supergirl. Here the Doctor was, standing in front of one of the most dangerous Luthor's, interrogating him, not seeming to care about the consequences.

Lex tilted his head slightly. He waved an arm, dismissing the guards. The guards lowered their guns slowly and as they did, the blonde took a step forward, "It's good to get answers without guns." She spoke, "Anyone who really was brave wouldn't need an army or guns."

Lex moved close to the Doctor, his height towering over her, but not intimidating her, "Who are you Doctor?" He asked sternly, "And...What do you want with this planet? No alien just comes here to live in peace, there is always something bigger and uglier beneath the surface. You see, Ben Lockwood, or as everyone knows him, Agent Liberty, he is eradicating the alien scourge on this planet and I love watching his work from afar." He then went to touch the Doctor's face, but she took a step back. Her face went stiff with anger clearly evident.

The Doctor shoved her hands in her pockets, "Why do people think all aliens want to do is take over? Have you ever thought that maybe, just maybe, many of them are escaping war, family or they just want a better life for themselves. We don't all want to take over like you and Ben Lockwood think. We just want a peaceful life, to be able to live among humans with no animosity whatsoever, now who doesn't want a peaceful life?" There was then a pause as the Doctor took a breath, "All of this." She said, taking her hand out of her pocket and gesturing around the room as if to mean all around them, "All of what you and agent Liberty are doing is scare mongering and it needs to stop. The children of liberty are going into innocent people's houses, targeting them. They are getting harassed to the point where they don't feel safe."

Lex then laughed, "Okay, Doctor. If you know all of this, why aren't you scared? You know what I am capable of. I can order your execution right here and now-"

"But you won't." The Doctor interrupted, "You're too interested now. You want to know how I know so much when I have only been here five minutes, you want to know why I'm not scared of you and you want to know what I will do next. Superman and Supergirl were obsessions but now I have all of your attention. Change the agenda Lex, be a good man and end all of this now. We are all capable of change, why don't you prove that right here and right now?"

Lena stared between the two of them. She was shocked when Lex appeared to give in. She noticed how the Doctor raised her chin. She noticed the silence and then, she saw the cogs turning in her brother's brain.

"Doctor." Lex began, briefly smiling, be it, menacingly, "I will see you around. I hope you will not disappoint." He then gave a gesture to his guards, before turning on his heel and leaving. The Doctor breathed a sigh of relief, lowering her head slightly, "That could have been easier." She then turned to Lena and stared at the cut on her head, "You need to get that checked out."

"Nevermind that." Lena began, in disbelief, "How did you do that? Lex would never walk away from something like that. You could have gotten yourself shot."

"And yet, here we are." The Doctor said in a warmer tone, holding her arms out, "So." She began as she walked back to the desk which was now covered in debris and rocks from the explosion, "As far as I'm aware, the Harun-El has somehow created a heart that will not disintegrate upon being disintegrated, so my question is, has the Harun-El just become a device to give humans the ability to have super powers?"

Lena was frozen to the spot. As much as she was in awe of this woman, she was also terrified, "Who are you?" She asked as she fought back tears, "You watched me watch my mother die, you talked down to Lex?! And now you know all about what I'm doing. Doctor I demand to know who you are."

The Doctor sighed heavily, "I'm a time traveller. And I'm your greatest hope at keeping you alive whilst Lex is walking around willy nilly with his band of armed guards. You have to trust me."

Lena scoffed, "It's funny you say that."

The Doctor frowned, looking up at her, "Supergirl betrayed you. I get it, you get hurt." She then moved to the other side of the desk where Lena was, "Trust is hard when you have had your heart broken a million times. All I can tell you is, my life is dangerous, and I will help out wherever I can and that includes you. A woman with a heart of gold. Lena Luthor." She began, gently placing her hands on the sides of Lena's arms, she then gently smiled as she looked into her eyes, "You are my hero."

Lena stood there frozen for a moment, staring into the Doctor's eyes, trying to find a lie. Something to tell her that this wasn't true, but what she saw was brutal honesty and softness that she had only ever seen in one other person's eyes that she had ever looked into.

Just then, Supergirl landed on the balcony. She walked in and instantly got all defensive, "Whoever you are, get away from her." She growled. Lena had to snap out of it instantly after the Doctor pulled away, "Supergirl, I'm safe, this woman saved me."

Supergirl was taken aback. She frowned, looking at the other blonde incredulously, "She...saved you?" She asked.

"There isn't just one hero in town." The Doctor smiled, before walking towards Supergirl, "Kara Danvers I presume." She said, holding her hand out for the woman to shake. It was then that Kara's eyes widened immediately, and Lena's stare turned cold. The Doctor quickly noticed the tension in the room, slowly taking her hand away from Kara, "Well...I...I guess I'm at the wrong point in the timeline to..." She then looked between the two women, "You know, I could kill for a fried egg sandwich right about now...What about you guys?"

Both Kara and Lena said nothing. They only stared at each other. Lena felt incredibly betrayed whilst Kara felt incredibly guilty. What they were feeling clearly showed on their faces. This was a problem the Doctor perhaps couldn't fix herself.

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