A Cold Day In Hell Part II

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Yaz stared at the Doctor as she felt the cold point of the gun on her temple. She could see the dread on the Doctor's face. Hayley was waiting for a reaction from the Doctor and it was taking its time, because again, the Doctor refused to give Hayley the satisfaction and right here right now wasn't the right place to admit to something that she never knew existed. Then something struck the Doctor, she can't always protect everyone. Sure, she warned the gang that whenever she pulled the lever in the TARDIS she was never quite sure what would happen, but the tragic thing is, she hadn't told them about how much she had lost, about who she had lost. The words of Hayley reverberated in the heads of the Doctor and Yaz, "Because you love her and she loves you." The Doctor and Yaz stared between one an another, before Yaz spoke, snapping the Doctor out of her thoughts, "Doctor."

The Doctor snapped out of her thoughts, looking deeply into Yasmin's eyes. A lump had formed in her throat, causing her lips to go dry.

"Don't give her the satisfaction." Yaz carried on, feeling tears stinging her eyes, "Don't you dare admit it, don't give yourself to her because that is what she wants, it's been a good run."

The Doctor frowned, her face falling significantly, "You're saying goodbye, don't do that." Anger began to bubble to the surface, "You don't get to do that, Yasmin Kahn don't say goodbye because it's not over!" In that moment, she didn't care about her own life anymore, she would protect Yaz whatever the cost. The Doctor yanked the sonic screwdriver from her jacket and pointed it towards the door. The sonic sparked profusely, burning the Doctor's hand, causing her to gasp in pain as she dropped it, "No, no." She gasped as she got on her knees to pick the device up.

The Colonel laughed, "You think we didn't know about such technology? You're not getting out, so just give me your name and then no one gets hurt."

The Doctor glared at her as she slowly got to her feet. As she managed to stand straight, she shoved her hands in her pockets, her face stoic, yet cold. She then shrugged as she stared at Hayley, "Do it." The Doctor said to her, only refusing to see Yasmin's reaction.

"Doctor! Are you mental?!" Graham snapped, "Now you are giving her what she wants! If you do this Doc, I will never be able to forgive you for this."

As the Doctor stared at Hayley, a small smile graced her lips, "That's the thing about travelling with me." She replied, her voice sounding cooler and calmer than before, "I didn't give you a real look in on the terms and conditions. I told you that people don't come back as the same people they were, but what I also didn't tell you is that some die, mostly because of idiots, but mostly because I just cannot help myself." She said, and the end of her sentence couldn't sound anymore scary and intimidating than it did, "I'm an alien, I don't know much about humans, why would I? Why would I care?"

Both Alex and Hayley were now frowning at the Doctor.

"You're just saying this, so I don't pull the trigger, it's a defence mechanism." Hayley said to the Doctor, "I will do it." Yasmin didn't like the way the Doctor was acting, she couldn't tell if it was a defence or just a side of the Doctor she hadn't seen before, "Doctor, you're scaring me." She admitted out loud, her voice shaking. The Doctor couldn't have looked at her fast enough, "There was always a choice, there was always a danger and normally yeah." She laughed, "I would burst out of here and save you all, but I can't." The Doctor looked between her friends, "I lead you all by the hand, and didn't warn you, I should have rejected you all because it never does end well and I'm thousands of years old, why would I do a stupid thing like fall in love with a primitive ape?"

Graham spoke up, shocked and horrified by what the Doctor was coming out with, "Oh, is that all we are to you? Apes? Then why the hell do you bother?"

"Because it's a game and games can be fun, or they can be really dangerous, and Hayely, YOU STILL HAVEN'T PULLED THAT TRIGGER!" The Doctor shouted, her anger now getting to her, "So, either you do it, or I will." She said coldly.

A silence took over the room, colder than before. Hayley was loving every minute of this, this was torture for everyone here and she was getting more than what she had bargained for. The Doctor's friends on the other hand no longer felt safe at all, even if the Doctor was behind some glass.

"Alright then." Hayley replied, her voice echoing off of the walls as she pulled the gun away from Yasmin, "I will bring some other guards in as a precaution and you..." She looked the Doctor up and down with a cruel smile on her face, "You live up to your promise." After that, Hayley turned on her heel and left the room.

"Doctor." Yasmin gasped as the timelord sat down in her cell, "You wouldn't...You said all that just to stop her from doing it right? You have a plan? You always have a plan." The tears in Yaz's eyes began to spill down her cheeks as the Doctor didn't say a word, "Doctor!"

Graham only glared at the Doctor from where he was standing, "I'm so sorry Yaz, but I think she meant every word. That colonel Hayley has got more than what she bargained for...as have we. I don't think that was the Doctor deflecting to bide time, that was her darker side coming to the surface."

"And that's what she wanted." Alex spoke up, "That side of the Doctor, to see that, she got more than she bargained for. You think, while you are running around space and time with her, she has had thousands of years to live, which means she has had thousands of painful memories that have given her a much uglier side. Someone you don't recognise."

Yaz shrugged in disbelief, "She is pretending for them, she will find a way out of it and even if I did die, she would find a way to save me. I know she would."

In that moment Hayley walked back in, followed by several guards, "So Doctor, are you going to live up to that promise?"

The Doctor scoffed, "No, what I said was in the heat of the moment and yeah, if everyone must know, I do love Yasmin Kahn. I love her so much, you can have that information because believe me, if you make me do this every single person involved will suffer." She growled.

"Such strong words coming from such a small woman, I like it." Hayley said, "But now you have some motivation because if you do not kill your lover someone else will die too."

The Doctor looked up as another gun clicked across the room.

"No! Granddad!" Ryan snapped at the guard who now held a gun to Graham, "DOCTOR DO SOMETHING!" As he yelled, he too was dragged across the room.

The Doctor then got to her feet as anger once again fuelled her body, "Let me out of here now and give me the gun!" She snapped, glaring at Hayley as she did. Hayley typed in the pin code and the door opened, as it did, the Doctor took no time at all snatching the gun from Hayley. She then strode towards Yaz, anger fuelling her every movement. She loaded the gun as she stopped in front of her friend, pointing the gun at her.

"Doc! Don't you dare!" Graham snapped at her, "She has a whole life to live and I have had mine, don't you dare!" The Doctor however, didn't listen. She had a firm hold of the gun in her hand and as she looked at Yaz, she saw how terrified her friend was. The Doctor hesitated to say anything, but instead as time froze in that instant, she pulled the trigger and a moment later...Her friend was gone, but that didn't stop her turning the gun on Hayley and killing her too without hesitation, "There is the justice." The Doctor growled before throwing the gun down and walking through the huge crowd.

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