A Cold Day in Hell Part III

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The Doctor sat up in bed, screaming. Sweat poured down her face as she came back into the world with a bang. As she looked around, she noticed how quiet it was. She checked herself for her sonic screwdriver, she found it in her jacket. She sighed in relief and lay back down. She then laughed to herself, "It was just a dream." Why she was laughing, she thought she would question that later. The Doctor rested her forearm on her forhead, only when she looked to the right of her did she realise that the horrible nightmare was soon to become a reality.

Graham, Ryan, Yaz and Alex were in front of her on their knees whilst colonel Hayley stood dead centre in the middle of the line, the difference was Yaz. She had clearly been beaten by the black eye on her face and the blood streaming down her temple, to her bust lip and many grazes. The Doctor's blood froze as she slowly sat up.

"Sleep well, Doctor?" Hayley asked as the Doctor slowly got onto her feet inside of her cell. If anything, that dream served as a warning. It was warning the Doctor not to lose control and that's what she had to bear in mind. She heard Hayley taking a breath, before she began to slowly pace, "Well, we now know your weakness." She said smugly, just as Yaz was dragged to her feet roughly by a member of security, "You were calling out her name the entire time, and it almost sounded as if you were...scared."

The Doctor followed Hayley cautiously with her eyes, whilst swallowing a lump that resided in her throat.

"The Doctor scared? I found some information on you, you and your many faces and we all now know your weakness is humans but then." She shrugged, "Listening to the same name being repeated in your dream over and over, it didn't take long to figure out who your weakness is."

The Doctor still didn't reply, she was thinking strategically, worrying about her friends at the same time. She waited for Hayley to carry on, and she did. No matter how much the Doctor wanted to shut her up, she had to think of what to do to get all of them out of there no more harmed than they already were.

"I'd almost say you were in love with her." Hayley laughed, "And we all know you are not capable of that."

"I'll have you know she has seen, done, loved and lost a lot more than you think!" Yasmin snapped, "I may not know to what extent..." Her voice drifted off as she looked towards the Doctor, only the Doctor was offering no help at all, she looked weaker and she didn't look like she had any fight left at all, "But she is capable of love, kindness and so much more! You are nothing but dirt colonel, back home I'm a police officer and I would never treat anyone with such disrespect! This is unlawful!"

Colonel Hayley turned on her heel and hit Yasmin with the back of her hand. It was so hard, it even made the Doctor jump. Hayley then leaned towards Yaz's ear, and spoke loud enough that everyone could hear, "You are not on British soil Miss Kahn, and you are not here legally."

"But we are human!" Yaz seethed.

"And she is not." Hayley said to her, "Therefore she is property of the DEO."

Graham scoffed, "You should all be ashamed of yourselves. This is a disgrace. All she has ever done is save your lives and this is how you repay her?"

Hayley looked between them all, "Oh wow, you really are all quick to protect your precious Doctor aren't you? She still has not said a word either."

Yasmin smirked, "That's because you don't know how she works. When she goes quiet, she is thinking. Thinking beyond your own imagination. She is plotting a way out and she has something that you don't have."

Hayley glared at Yaz as she walked back over to her, "And what might that be?"

"Confidence, charisma and intelligence..." Yasmin then paused, "Oh, and a sonic screwdriver."

Just as Hayley turned around, the Doctor used her sonic on the key pad, and walked out of the cell, "Can't keep a good timelord down for long." The Doctor smiled, "And thanks Yaz for giving me time to figure out what I was going to do next, and don't worry, I will get Hayley back for beating you up." She said, before thrusting her hands into her pockets and walking over to Hayley. Her expression was cool and calculating, "Now, no one gets away with hurting my friends. You made a mistake by locking me up here, and then you made a bigger mistake by hurting my friends. Now get out of my way." She snarled.

Hayley, even though she was taller than the Doctor walked closer to her, "You think I'm just going to let you walk out of here untouched?"

The Doctor nodded, biting her lip, "That's exactly what I expect you to do."

Surprisingly, Hayley stepped out of her way, "You may go."

The Doctor hovered for a moment before using her sonic to snap the zip ties from her friends hands before smiling, "Right, fam! Let's go! It was nice being here in National City, but we really ought to go." She said before unlocking the handcuffs on Alex's wrists, "Alex, go and check on Supergirl, I have a horrible feeling that the colonel, here has done something horrible." She then headed towards the door with her friends, Yaz behind the Doctor, Ryan behind Yaz and Graham behind Ryan.

The Doctor walked down the corridor of the DEO, looking for the nearest exit, whilst Hayley followed. She then spoke into her wrist, "Commence project Chameleon." She then walked out to where the Doctor was heading, "You think it would be that easy to just go Doctor?" She said as several guards crowded around them. Three of them took a hold of the Doctor whilst several others held guns to her friends. The Doctor didn't like this one bit, "What is all of this Hayley?! What's next hm?"

Hayley waited an agonising moment, the Doctor thought agonising but then, nothing could be worse. The Colonel began speaking again, "It took forty-eight hours to find out who you were and get a hold of some artefacts from your machine and I had Brainy here construct them for me.

"Really?" The Doctor snapped, "Find anything interesting?"

Hayley pulled something out of her pocket and played with it in her hands, "An old relic you might say." She said smugly, "Recognise this Doctor?" Hayley held the object teasingly in her hand, and the Doctor got more afraid by the second, "It's an old fob watch." She said sarcastically, "You can't do much with that, other than tell the time."

"Come off it, Doctor, we know what this can do. It is more than just a normal watch." Hayley said to her. As the Doctor merely shrugged, Hayley took another breath before walking into another room and coming out with something else. Now this made the Doctor really afraid.

Yaz stared at the Doctor, her heart breaking every second, "Doctor, what is that? She can't hurt you, right?" As she got no response from the Doctor she knew that this was not going to end well.

The Colonel clicked the watch into the device, "It's portable now. It doesn't need you machine to make it work. Now, are you going to tell your friends what this is?"

The Doctor struggled in the arms of her captors, "Please, I am begging you. Please, don't do this, anything but this. Hayley! Please!" Her voice heightened and Yaz swore she heard the Doctor's voice break, like she was close to...crying.

"Doctor! Tell us what that device does, please!" Yaz begged her as delicately as possible.

The Doctor finally looked up at her, "It rewrites every single cell in my body, and it burns, it burns like regeneration. I've done it once before and I never want to do it again."

Yaz was confused, "Rewrites every cell?"

"It makes me human!" The Doctor snapped, "Not only that, I don't remember who I am, I am a stranger to myself. I won't know who you guys are. I will just be alone! A lonely human, and part of me will be stuck inside that pocket watch and if Hayley has control of it, I may die a human too."

"That's not fair!" Ryan snapped, "Don't do this to her!"

The Doctor looked at Hayley one last time and begged quietly, "Please, don't do this."

Hayley smirked, "Maybe if I do this, you will live in peace and have your Yasmin until the day you die." Hayley noticed how the Doctor backed off as she walked forward, the timelord was so terrified in that moment, her friends had never seen her so afraid. That was until the object was placed upon her head and she started screaming. It was both gut wrenching and heart breaking, as her friends could do nothing but watch.

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