A Cold Day In Hell

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The Doctor sat up the moment she heard the door to her cell opening, to her dismay, it was colonel Hayley. The Colonel looked a little on edge, if the Doctor's judgements were correct, she would say that the woman in front of her was in a panic but that didn't sway the lingering attitude she felt bubbling beneath the surface, "Well, it's been forty-eight hours. Two days, two whole days and I bet you can't find anything that is worthy of keeping me in here."

Colonel Hayley glared at her, "We tried to contact the British Unified Intelligence Task Force, they deal-dealt with aliens such as yourself. I then learned that they are no longer in business due to funding disputes with the UK government and have been for a long time, however, as you are on American soil, it means that you are ours and we can keep you as long as we need to."

The Doctor frowned, "On what grounds? I haven't broken any laws, not that I'm aware of anyway and like I said before, I am no one of importance so the best thing you can do is to just let me go." She shrugged. The colonel only laughed, "Doctor, whoever you are, we will find out. One way or another, unless you want to tell me now and stop wasting our time."

The Doctor scoffed, "The only time that is being wasted here is mine on you. You're not going to learn my name because The Doctor is in fact my name and there is nothing more to it, now please let me go."

There was then an intense moment of silence where the Doctor stared innocently at the woman before her, looking for any sign that she was going to give in and let her have her freedom. The silence was soon broken by Hayley clearing her throat, "You have assets, and you have friends. You think I don't know when someone is doing something behind my back?" She scoffed.

The Doctor felt dread in the pit of her stomach, but she refused to let it show.

"As the DEO, we can do anything, and I will do anything and everything to get what I want. You supplied agent Danvers with three cell phone numbers. I got my fellow agents to track those numbers and now I have exactly what I want to get what I want out of you." The way Hayley spoke made the Doctor's blood boil and her skin crawl. Whilst she had been 'locked up' in here, for the last forty-eight hours, she has had the means to escape but as the Doctor always did, she was biding her time. However, this may soon become an unfortunate cost of time, "Where are my friends?" The Doctor snarled at Hayley from behind the glass. She was tempted to use the sonic, but that would give her game away. Instead, she watched as Hayley turned on her heel to face the door, before calling out, "Bring them in."

Not a moment later, the door swung open violently and banged against the opposing wall on the other side. The first person the Doctor saw was Yasmin, her worry heightened considerably as she saw the zip-ties that were tight around her friend's wrists, which lead the Doctor to mentally question, if they had handcuffs, why choose to put her friends in zip-ties? Ryan followed not a moment later, yelling at the guard, "LET US GO, MAN! YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO DO THIS!" He was clearly fighting against them and it broke the Doctor because Ryan had been doing so well, dealing with his temper and now he was driven to this. A second later, there came a comment from Graham, "Calm down mate, you're giving them what they want, don't satisfy them."

As Yaz stumbled in the door, she almost froze to the spot as she saw the Doctor on the other side of the glass of her own cell wall looking mortified with what was happening. Yaz only smiled, there was hope after all, however that hope soon faded when she realised that the Doctor wasn't going to do anything to help them, because otherwise that would give her own game away and the Doctor knew she would get shot if she tried anything.

"Doc! There you are!" Graham said to her, upon seeing her, "Can't you tell these hooligans to leave us alone?" He then frowned as he watched the Doctor open her jaw and then close it again. She was speechless and had no idea what to do. As she briefly glanced at Yaz, she noticed the hope that her friend still had in her eyes, and admittedly, she had missed it over the long hours being 'stuck' and confined to this one cell. The Doctor then snapped into action as reality hit her, "They are nothing to do with this Hayley! You can hurt me all you want, but you leave them out of it."

Hayley only laughed at her, "Oh, I'm not done."

The Doctor's blood went from boiling to freezing in a millisecond, "You'd better be done because you are messing with something that should never be messed-" The Doctor stopped mid-sentence as Alex was dragged in by two guards, badly beaten, covered in blood and bruises. The Doctor looked down at Alex and no longer felt powerful. She couldn't protect Alex, and now, even though she had a way out, she wasn't going to use it with the risk of being shot on sight.

The Doctor only walked around in a circle in the confines of her cell, trying to piece together what she was going to say next. She felt eight eyes on her at once, and as she stopped, she gave Hayley a look that was so cold, it even scared Yaz and her friends, "Okay, you...You have crossed the line. I know that every agent here has handcuffs, my question is why aren't my friends in them too, like Alex? The answer to that is, because it's a form of torture." She then laughed darkly, something which was new to her friends and as they heard it and watched how the Doctor was moving, it was like the whole universe had frozen over, "You want to torture them to get through to me, right? To get answers that you are never going to get." The Doctor shrugged, "You can kill them and do what you like, but the thing is, I wouldn't let that happen and neither would Supergirl, which also leads me to my next question. Where is Supergirl? Before you left last night, you asked me what Supergirl hated the most and you knew that it was Kryptonite which leads me to believe, you are already punishing her for not giving up her name, but Supergirl hasn't got many people that you know of to hurt, so you do it to her instead because you know that Kryptonite can also kill her."

Hayley interrupted, "What are you getting at?" She almost snapped, "I have your friends and I can use them as leverage. You are not smarter than any of us here when you are locked up in there."

"Hmm, I would be very careful what you say to me." The Doctor said in a sarcastic tone, "Because you have no idea what I am capable of. If you don't let them go, you will find out what I am like, truly."

"Spoken like a God." Hayley said to her, before pulling out a gun, "The difference is, I'm in charge." She said before loading it, she then held it against Yaz's head, causing both Ryan and Graham to kick off.

"Leave her alone!" Ryan snapped as two guards pulled him away from Yaz, the same with Graham.

"Doctor, do something!" Graham snapped.

The Doctor only remained quiet once again as she stood in her cell. She remained quiet on purpose, as a way to intimidate Hayley until she came out with one comment that struck a huge nerve.

"Well, do you know why I chose her Doctor? Not him, or him?" Hayley snarled as she looked at Graham and Ryan. The Doctor glared at her, and snarled, "No, no I don't know. Why, why are you pointing a gun at my friend?"

"Because you love her, and she loves you." Hayley retorted. The Doctor's hearts beat triple time in her chest and Yaz only stared at the Doctor, looking for a reaction, only, she begged that the Doctor wouldn't react because that would give Hayley more ammunition. Hayley spoke in Yasmin's ear, "You love her, don't you?"

Yaz and the Doctor stared at each other, and as they did, even Ryan, Graham and Alex stared in between them, looking for any sign that what Hayley was saying, was true.

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