unwanted memories...

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Dear Bryan,

           My dear friend I sooo sorry... I heard what happened.. Why did Springtrap do that to you and Karina.. Just imagining you beimg cut stiched and stabbed over amd over again makes me wanna puke.. We miss the real you... I know your still in that monster you call you... Same with Karina.. Turns out you both needed a protecter heh.. I noticed when you and Karina came to get Happy that you had marks on your ankles.. Im guessing you where chained up.. Im miss you.. I know its shocking to hear me say that but its true.. We all miss you.. Please come back.. I know ypur still in there... Why did you hurt Happy.. Also hows Karina... Freddy misses her.. Please come back... The pizzeria was shut down after you became insane and twisted..

     Sincerly, Molten Freddy

Please come back to us Bryan...

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