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"Karina Carly!" Everyone yellwd except for Karina and Carly..

"Yes.. Now will you...SHUT THE F**K UP!" Bryan yelled

      Evertone stoped yelling... No matter how angry Bryan got he has never cussed in his life.. This showed that Bryan was really gone..

"Bry-!" Springtrap btried to say bur got cut off.

"Im not talking to you Trash bag!" Bryan yelled at at Afton...

         Afton was speechless after what Bryan just called him...

   All of the  sudden the security doors open... Two adults walked in... The first adult was a man.. He had a red veat on with black sleeves and grey pants.. He had dark brown hair.. He was wearing a top hat and was holding a butcher knife...

  The other adult was a woman.. She had light brown hair just like Beyan.. She was wearing a black dress with a creases in the legs so you could see her legs.. She had black and white scientist googles on her head.. She had brown and dark brown combat boots.. She was holding a pistol... They both had red glowing eyes..

    Bryan then grabbed his knife.. And Karina retracted her claws so they were out...

"Go before I kill you!" He said really angrily...

"Why are you trying to hurt us?!" The man asked....

"After all we are your family!" The woman said...

"YOU ABANDONED ME IN THE BASEMENT!" Bryan yelled at the top of his lungs...

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