The Star Necklace

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I addvise you to play thus song before reading.... This is the star childs lullaby............................................................

Legends has it... That there use to be a family...

A very special family... They all had a gloden shape necklace...

There was a wife and a husband.... The wife had a yellow neclace with a white moon..

The husband had a neck piece.. With a white diamond...

The wife was pregnant...

She was going to have a baby boy...

His name was Jack...

He was a brunette... He aslo had a necklace.. He had a white pearl though....

These necklaces protected the family... Same with a purple hair girls family... But we dont talk about her...

The boy was about 9 years old when he found out he was gonna have a little brother to watch over....

He was excited... But that was the day his life and the families life had changed....

9 months later....

Boy was finally born... He was the same as Jack.... Except...

He had a star shaped necklace..

Those shapes were very rare...

The child was also diagnosed with multipale personally disorder... He could kill them all any time..

Then came the Freddy Fazbears Pizzeria incident....

The boy was never heard again... People say hes still out there with....

The star necklace.......

Sorry I havent updated this in a while Ive been busy... By the way this is the stars origin... Wonder who it belongs to hmmmm?

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