idk what to name it

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       Bryan then took the knife from springtraps hand and atarted walking towards Molten and Clone Afton..

   Karina just stood there and watched from the shadows...

"Bryan please snap out of it this isn't you!" Clone Afton said.

"He wont listen to you like I've already told you hes GONE.." Springtrap added..

"Please Bryan I know I said I hated you but we need you right now.." Molten said.. While backing away from Bryan..

"Oh really.... , well im not coming back I had been made a fool many times..." Bryan said angrily...

"Where sorry that we had called you a bad buisness owner... Were sorry that springtrap did this to you Bryan!" Springbonnie said...

"I don't care about the bad buisness owner and the torture.. Did you know that ive been hurt like this when I was little..!" Bryan yelled..

       Everyone was speechless except for Karina.. Springtrap was evwn speechless...

"When I was little I was tortured almost to death.. Because I went into the basement and saw my parents kill some woman..."

"I was chained to a wall and was left dor dead.. My parents fled the state without ME!" He said...

"Then my only friend I had Carly saved me and told the ambulence where I ws.. The only one that cared for me and saved me from the rotting house..."

"Then when I grew up I loved the Animatronics so did Carly..."

"But one day she died at the pizzeria... She went missing with my 5 other friends I had no friends..." He continued...

"I was gonna kill myself until I met... Jon.. He helped me through my depression... I was finally happy...

"Then Me and him became owners of pizzerias... Business partners..."

" I had snapped after Broken a little after Rockstar Greddy... Left me.. Jon then left me for his old jerk side.. His true look..."

"I was scared for the future then I was reunited with Carly somehow..."

"Then Karina and I were tortured... I almost died but she told me to hold on longer... Then I snapped.. I made her snap by hurting her....."

"I regret everything I did.. I regret deciding to live everyday fuckin day of my life..."

"But you know what its acturally fun to kill..".

"But who is carly?" Molten asked...

"Oh shes...."

"Karina...."," my childhood friend..."

Cliffhanger >:3

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