1. The rarity of bottom Zayn books

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  I started the previous book ranting about that topic, so i will also start this book just like that, because this is so damn important.

   As a member of any fucking fandom or a ship, readers like me and probably you, need all of the books that they can get their hands on. I feel like i'm some sort of machine that needs to be charged with bottom Zayn books (i actually feel like that, don't judge).

  So when there's isn't any good books around, or no books at all, dear reader, tell me, how the fuck am i suppose to feel satisfied? How the fuck am i suppose to feel like i belong here, that this is the greatest fandom i've ever stepped in? Yeah, that's the problem.

  Don't get me wrong, there's so many books that i love and would reread repeatedly and still feel sparks (they're that good), but i want more. I want to read Zayn in every single  angle or situation imaginable; i want to read books that are just dedicated to Zayn's smile, laugh, grin and boys loving Zayn like he's their air, water, phone, for the fucks sake, everything that you want, i would have even read a book that is written about Zayn's damn toe, if it's fluffy and really well written (who am i to judge, but lets forget that), (also, i'm speaking for myself, you can write a book about everything that you want, i just prefer fluff) !

    So for the love of god, please, if you have some book ideas in your  head and you haven't wrote it or published it yet, please do so. We need it, you need it, even Jesus needs it. Amen.

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