3. The bad writing

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  This problem is one of the most common issues i have ever seen in this fandom, and who am i to not judge you for it?

  I think, overall, this fandom is mostly (70%) made from teenagers and children who are below twelve, unfortunately, it shows (i'm a teenager too, if you're concerned. I'm talking about autors that can't write, obviously not about ones that can. I love them *thanks God for their existence*). I'm tired of reading books that are written so fucking bad, that i barely can read it. I don't understand how can you make such an obvious and elemental mistakes in your book, that are mostly smut, by the way.

   I don't know if our generation (Again, i'm not talking about everyone. I actually think that our generation is smarter compared to previous ones; so back off, old people), is getting dumber or we just can't spell normally, but it's like a trend in our little shithole, to spell like we are from Paleolithic period (been there, done that).

   It's not about grammar only, it's about plot too. Again, i don't fucking understand what's wrong with our generation (many things, honey) but they are (*trying to act like i'm not one of them*) getting dirtier and dirtier day by day. It's not good kind of dirty too, one that while reading  it can make you feel sparks in your tummy, it's just like: " "uhhh Garry fuk m" sad Zayn whil stroc(king) his mangina.
"sr bby w nt" answered Garry wt same amoubt of PISSion.
"ok" Zayn said. He cld feel Garry's  1 banana in his mangina.Zayn go mad. Zayn cldn't any more. He died.""

   The problem is, i'm not even overreacting. I have read so many stories just like that, and i just... I gave up, okay? Thanks God we have such an amazing writers here on Wattpad, or archiveofourown, because if this was the type of content i would  read everyday, then i would have definitely go mad and burn the world down, or just burn them down.

Also, from what have i seen, one of the stupidest mistakes here is not knowing the difference between your and you're; so, let me educate you all. Your - a pronoun, that refers to something a person has or owns. For example: "Your purse", "Your inability to educate yourself before writing something down", and so on. You're is a short combined form of you are. For example "You're awesome", "You're, actually, really bad at writing because you don't even have basic knowledge". Understand me, kids?

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