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       Glancing at his watch, Nico was relieved to see that it was finally time to clock out of his fathers gym for the day. All he could think about was seeing Azure, the anticipating sit down scheduled for that evening and he was anxious to get his woman back just like his dad advised him. He still felt some type of way about her ex but he decided to go with his heart, which could do nothing but yearn for his other half. He noted that he would deal with Kelz on a different day, but for right now his focus was on one thing only. Azure.

"So, I was thinking maybe we can grab a drink after I get off?" Maria said as she followed behind him towards the front desk.

Since his slip up weeks ago, Nico couldn't get Maria off of his back. In a moment of pure weakness, Nico took her up on her offer and had another drink with her a few days after, just for it to end the exact same way. He couldn't bring himself to put his dick inside of Maria because it just didn't feel right.

The fact that he all he could think of was his ex, and how hurt she would be if she knew what he was doing. His thoughts had taken over, leaving him no choice but to dip for the second time.

Maria hadn't given up and believed the third was the charm, and she would finally be able to feel the python that Nico carried around in his pants.

"Naw, I got plans with my girl." he said, letting it be known he was off the market once more. Him and Azure hadn't technically gotten back together, but he knew that would be the end result of their dinner.

"Your girl?" Maria asked, making sure she heard him correctly.

"Yeah, you know Azure." Nico responded as he clocked out for the day.

Maria's eyebrows scrunched up, and you could read the disappointment on her face.

"I thought ya'll were broken up" she said following after him once more as he made his way to the door, "I mean, why else would you let me —-"

"Quiet down" Nico said turning towards her, "And I was single at the time, but I'm back with my girl. We still cool." he shrugged as if it was no big deal.

Before she could respond, he turned back around and continued out to his car, unaware of the angry female he left behind. In his mind, him and Maria did what all grown folks do - have a little fun and then continue to keep it on the DL. Maria didn't feel the same way. She felt played. A nigga never used her as a rebound, and she wasn't about to let him get away with it that easy.

           A Z U R E

"I'm nervous" Azure said as she curled her last few pieces of straight hair, "It's only been two weeks but it feels longer."

"Girl it doesn't matter if it was a month, Nico isn't going anywhere" Justin sounded so sure, "What are you nervous about?"

"How do I know he hasn't slept with anyone in those two weeks? We all know Nico..." Azure said, an unsure look on her face, "I wouldn't be surprised if he tried to get me back for what he thinks I did."

Justin just shrugged, the look on his face telling Azure to dig deeper. She knew Justin well, and he had never been a 'shrugger'.

"You know something." she snapped her neck towards him.

Justin's eyes widened, "No...if I did I would tell you."

"Then why aren't you commenting? You always comment." Azure said, squinting her eyes.

"Girl, you are paranoid. Enjoy your night out with your man." Justin said rising from his bed.

Azure wasn't deterred that easily. She knew her best friend was hiding something and she would find out. She played it cool, putting the finishing touches on her hair before she was completely ready for her evening out.

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