The Return

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That night, all of inkwell isle was fast asleep. the cup brothers locked the casino doors and they head home. (Y/N) walked with them as they talked along the way. “Man I am beat.” Mugman said as he stretched his arms out. Cuphead nods “yeah. All this work payed off. Isn't that right darlin?” (Y/N) chuckled. “Indeed it has.” When they got to their homes, mugman heads straight to bed because he was exhausted from all the hard work. (Y/N) and cuphead decided to stay up and watch a romantic film together. “Say (Y/N). I was wondering. If you don't mind me asking. You won't mind if you spent the night here with mugman and I? Elder kettle won't be home for a few weeks. He just left an hour ago and went out of town for a vacation.” (Y/N) smiles and answers. “Of course I would.” Cuphead smiled wide and after the movie was over, he takes her to a seperate room. “You sleep here deary. Mugman and I will sleep in our own bedroom.” (Y/N) thanked cuphead and kissed him on the nose. He blushes and blows a kiss goodnight. Everything was quiet and peaceful. But not for long…

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

I was fast asleep as I felt the soft wind blowing into my hair. But then I suddenly heard a sound coming from outside in the middle of the night. I got up and checked out of the window. Turns out it was….Cuphead? why would he be up at this time at night anyways?. I couldn't see his face. Just his silhouette. He then ran off. I had no choice but to follow him. I changed into my casino red dress and high heeled shoes since I had nothing else to wear. I tried to holler asking him why he was up. But he just kept running off. Somehow he led me to….the casino? I also noticed the doors were wide opened. I thought he locked them. This is strange. I then heard cuphead voice coming from the inside. “(Y/N) my love! Come inside! I have a surprise for you!” At first I wanted to turn back and run. But then due to my curiosity, I went inside anyway. The entire casino was completely quiet and empty. “Cuphead? Where are you?” I then heard him again. “I'm in here. Come and see what I have for you. You're going to love it!” It was coming from a different door that was never explored in the casino. So I slowly got in this mysterious room. “C-Cuphead?....are you in here?....” There was dead silence. I soon realized this was a mistake to be here at night. As I was about to turn around and leave, the door behind me slammed shut. I gasped in fear. I tried to open it. But it won't budge. I backed away feeling scared. Just then. I heard a voice coming from the other side of the room.

End of P.O.V

“hello my dear. So glad you could make it.” Flames bursts throughout the back of the room and king dice and the devil stood there with wide grins on their faces. “N-No!...this can't be!...” (Y/N) froze in fear. “excellent king dice. That was almost too easy. Now then. Do what you must do!” the devil snaps his fingers, and (Y/N) gets chained down. Unable to move at all. She sees king dice walking up to her as he rolls up his sleeves. “finally. I've been waiting for this moment in so long!” a purple flame appears on his right hand “and don't you worry my sweet. This will only hurt just for a second.” king dice chuckles evilly. (Y/N) screams as it fills throughout the whole casino. And no one knows what will happen next.

The next morning came, and cuphead and mugman wake up from their naps. They got ready for the day and they soon realized something doesn't feel right. “Hey cups. I haven't heard anything from (Y/N). Do you think she's still asleep?” Cuphead starts to feel concerned as well. “I'll go check and see if she's okay.” Cuphead goes upstairs, and knocks on the door. “(Y/N)? Are you in here?” No answer. So he opened the door. He gasped and sees the bed empty. “She's gone!!” He then hears mugman. “cuphead! The keys to the casino! They're not here!” Now they're even more worried. “We need to get the casino fast! Something must've happened!” cuphead said. The two brothers rushed to the casino as quickly as possible. They head inside and they looked in every corner and room. She wasn't in any of those areas. “(Y/N)! Where are you?!” Cuphead shouted. Mugman tapped his brother's shoulder, and pointed to the mysterious door. “Cuphead! Look!” They both walked towards it. “She might in here.” They opened the door and they suddenly see (Y/N) laying on the ground lifeless. They both gasped in horror. “(Y/N)!!” Cuphead shouted as he ran up to her lifeless body and started to sob as he held her close. “No…” mugman starts to sob as well. “This can't be happening…” they then heard the devil speak. “Oh. It is happening.” The room lit up as the devil and his right hand man look at them with satisfaction. Cuphead goes from sadness to pure anger “Devil!!!....king dice!!!...WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER YOU BASTARDS!!?” the devil interrupts him “Silence!!....the beautiful maiden isn't dead you fools. Her body is on sleep mode. And dice has her soul….show them dice.” King dice shows a card that has (Y/N)'s soul inside. The two brothers were shocked “let her go!! She has nothing to do with this!!” Mugman yelled. the devil smirked. “oh. It seems she already has.….She belongs to Dice now!! Now give us the casino AND your souls! Or kiss yourselves goodbye!! Your choice!!” cuphead wipes his tears and stands up before them. “Never!! We stopped you once! We can do it again!” King dice and the devil looks at them in a serious manner. "So. If this is how you're gonna play it, then so be it!!" the devil snaps his fingers, and King Dice's henchmen surrounds the two brothers. They managed to defeat two of them soon after. They start to tire out a bit. King Dice walks passed them, and picks up (Y/N)'s body. Cuphead notices king dice walking away. “Let go of my girlfriend!! you son of a-” all of king dice's henchmen pinned the two brothers down. “Too bad cupface. Not every hero gets the girl you know. Now that I have her. Just think of all the things I dream on doing things with her. Becoming my bride, my loving wife and slave, and having her bear my offspring as you stay here slowly suffering? Hehehe. Sounds like my kind of cup of tea.” King Dice's green eyes brighten up as he mocks cuphead and mugman what he just said. “I swear if you touch her!! I'll-” king dice interrupts him. “You'll what? Stop me? Ha! Not a fat chance Boy! She will love me soon enough and we will then become newlyweds. Too bad you won't be able to see it.” King dice laughs evilly as he walks out the door. He hears Cuphead's raging voice as the door slowly closes. “Damn you King Dice!! DAMN YOU!!”

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