Talking with the boss

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The devil was using mugman as a yo-yo laughing his head off. “This is much more fun using a cup than an actual yo-yo!” Cuphead was furious. “Let my brother go!” The devil looks at him with a smirk. “As you wish. You little shit.” he throws mugman back into the cage as Mugman puked all over Cuphead's shoes. The devil started to get a little bored. “I hope the casino doesn't blow anytime soon.” He sees King Dice coming in. “'s just you Dice. So. Anything new with you and the girl?” king Dice nods. “Yeah boss. We had lots of fun.” The devil cocks an eyebrow. “Fun eh? What kind of fun?....the kinky kind?” King Dice shook his head. “No. We went to the carnival!” The devil frowns in disgust. “Oh yeah. That carnival that happens every year in inkwell isle….Yippie.” Dice rolls his eyes and the devil speaks again. “I have some news for you. Your contract is almost due for me to take your soul.” Dice jerks his head up. “Wh-what!? When boss?” the devil spoke in a low tone as Dice listened carefully. “In…..two….weeks!” King Dice's eyes shrank and his heart sank. “T-two weeks!!?” The devil nodded. “Yes. That includes the two cups, the other debtors, and especially the girl.” King Dice shakes his head. “Boss! I can't have my soul be taken now! It's all too sudden! We just gotten started to know each other better! We haven't even started in going to third base yet!” The Devil stares at him. “so you desperately want to live longer so you can be with her eh?” King Dice nods. “Yes boss! There has to be a way!” the devil stares at him with a very intimidating look. “Well. Too bad Dice! You may be my right hand man! But now…..look at you. You've gone soft. A good for nothing lackey! The girl has become your weakness Dice! And I knew giving her soul to you was a bad idea in the first place. She's slowing you down like a snail! I should've kept her soul myself!” King Dice shakes his head. “No boss! She isn't doing any harm! She is MINE, and no one else can have her but me!” The devil snarls. “Are you saying she is your prize!!? Your one true love!!? Pathetic. Two weeks Dice! And after that. you, and all of inkwell isle will kiss your souls goodbye!! IS THAT CLEAR!!?” King Dice takes a deep breath and responds. “Yes boss.” The devil points to the door. “Good! Now get going you fucking board game accessory!!” King Dice runs out of the room and pants rapidly. “Two weeks?....oh no! am I gonna tell (Y/N)?...”

King Dice's P.O.V

I can't believe I only have two weeks to live! That includes everyone else in this bloody town! Even though the debtors were already free from getting their contracts burned, the boss still has the power to take their souls whenever he pleases. There has to be a way to not get my soul be taken away. But how can I get it in the fastest possible way? I thought for a few moments, and idea hatched into my head. “I got it! I should go to porky's store. He might have a potion or something to help solve the problem.” I headed out to the nearest store, and turns out, the pig wasn't inside. There was a note that says: “be back from lunch in 5 minutes”. Well damn. Guess the only option is to steal. I looked at the potions he has available. There was a disappearing potion, love potion, aging potion, exploding potion, and a flying ability potion. It was hard to find the right potion, until I bumped into a mystery potion. It had no label, and no side effects. Whatever this potion was, I decided to take it anyways. I hope this potion can change everything. Maybe even save my life from getting my soul taken so soon. I don't want to risk in losing myself and (Y/N).....I love her….and I know she cares about me….I may have been an asshole but she's just too precious to get hurt by anyone and anything…..I'll have no choice to have her drink this potion….it's our only hope to save our lives….I'm sorry (Y/N). But….it's for all our sakes. Please let this potion work. At least have some little miracle happen. Guess we'll have to find out for ourselves what it is then.

End of P.O.V

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