The bride of a Dice

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

I suddenly woke up and my vision was blurry, I felt light headed, and my body feels like jelly. "Mmm....where am I?..." my vision cleared and I noticed I was in some kind of room. But not just any room. I'm in someone else's room. It was weirdly decorated. Casino theme with a king size purple bed, and a large closet. I then heard a voice. "Good morning my dear. Sleep well?" The figure walks out from the shadows. It was him!....King Dice! I scooted away from him as he sat down across from me. "Now, now darling. I'm not going to hurt you. I just want to see how you're doing." I was suddenly shaking feeling afraid out of my mind. "P-please let me go! Wh-where's cuphead and mugman?" He slowly crawls up to me in a creepy way almost like I'm in an actual horror movie. "Those two idiots belong to the devil! He has their souls, and I have yours. You belong to me now! So do as I say, or I'll have you suffer the same fate like them! Understand?" I slowly nodded my head he gets closer and closer to my face as he spoke "Good. Now. Tell me my dear. Are feeling....tired?.....maybe....stressed?.....or perhaps are you feeling...weak?" He suddenly unexpectedly lifts up my chin with his hand, kissed me on the lips. I pushed him off as I wiped it off. "Get away from me!" He chuckled evilly. "Soon enough you will understand my actions. And you don't want to face consequences do you?..." I shook my head. "N-No." He smirks. "That's my girl. Now then. It's time for you to get ready." I was confused what he meant by that. "Ready for what?" He smirked at me with glee. "Our wedding my precious. What else do you think it would be?" I stared in shock. "Wh-what!? I'm too young to get married!" He pulls out a wedding dress "wear this. It may fit you. Pirouletta and pip and dot will help you out. And don't even try to do anything stupid!" he leaves and shuts the door. I can't believe it...i'm being held hostage by this man with a dice for a head! This cant be happening!

End of P.O.V

King dice was getting ready for the big day even though that was too sudden for a wedding to happen at that moment. But he didnt care. He's desperate to have a woman at his side. He heads out at the altar which is just the devil's lair decorated to look like a church. King dice had a white and purple suit on with a top hat as a finishing touch. "Well dice. You must be a lucky man to finally have a queen at your side ruling this casino like its a kingdom of your own. Although I own the place actually. And plus, this new casino is perfect! Who knew those two cups had such a good taste in decorating!" The devil laughs feeling joy within his gut. His right hand man smiles. "Yes indeed boss. And I can't wait to see my lovely bride walk down the aisle and we say our I do's and live happily ever after." He chuckles. Just then the door opens, and pirouletta was walking (Y/N) down the aisle. "Now, now darling. It's going to be alright. You'll see." pirouletta tries her best to comfort her but (Y/N) couldn't help but sob feeling helpless and trapped.

King Dice's P.O.V.

When I saw her in that dress walking down the aisle, my heart fluttered like its about to fly out of my chest. She was like an angel that fell from heaven. When both her and pirouletta got to the end however, I noticed my blushing bride has become a sobbing mess. By the looks of it she doesn't want to be here. Oh well. Too bad. She can't do anything. So the ceremony started. "Dearly beloved. We're gathered here today to celebrate the union of this man of a dice and this woman in holy hell matrimony...." I looked at (Y/N) as I smiled at her. Even though she isn't happy. I want to show how much of a good husband I want to be for her. And she'll then forget fuckhead and cuckman. Whatever their names are. I dont care what the boss will do to them anyways. Anyways, im happy I finally have the queen of my dreams. And I know she'll love me too. "Do you, king dice take (Y/N) to be your lawfully wedded wife? In sickness and in health, till death do you part?" I smiled widely. "Until death?....I most certainly do." just then the boss turned towards her. "and do you, (Y/N) take this man to be your lawful husband? To cherish and to promise in being faithful to him without fail And NOT to have your soul taken at all?" She didn't respond at all. She just sobbed silently. "Well I take that silence as a yes then. Women. Always having tears of joy on their wedding, by the power vested in yours truly, Me. I now pronounce you husband and wife! You may now kiss the bride Dice." I turned to her, and I slowly kissed her on the lips. And she didn't kiss back. She just sadly looks back down sobbing. After the wedding was over, I held her bridal style to the bed. I gently put her down and I sat next to her. She soon fell asleep. I undressed her, and changed her into a nightgown that I thought might look nice on her to sleep in. I took off my wedding suit and all I had left was my underwear so I just had to sleep shirtless anyways. I gently held her close and I kissed her head. "Goodnight my queen. I hope you fully understand that you belong to me. And you always will."

End of P.O.V

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