when love turns to loss

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King Dice's P.O.V

I only have three days left....and then, my soul will be taken by the devil...I decided to do one last thing for my beautiful queen. I never done it  before but....I hope it goes well. I took the advice from Mr.wheezy. yet this whole thing was his idea anyway. but thankfully, I got it all planned out. (Y/N) has finally gotten better from her sickness, and is finally eating normally. but here's the catch. the way she eats however didn't uhh....seem very lady like. she would just eat like a wild animal. before any of this happened, she was always eating so elegantly. and now look at her. shit. I think I created a monster. and her behavior. holy shit don't get me started on those. on a rare occasion, she would get angry, then starts crying, then goes to happy automatically.....well. its a good thing no one saw all that happening. otherwise people would think I turned her into some crazed squirrel with rabies! this better not happen during our last moments together. it was finally the night. I was getting ready. I waited for (Y/N) until she finally came. she looked so....beautiful....her dress was white and purple. off shoulder, a purple rose onto her head, and even matching purple eye shadow, lipstick, and shoes. my heart was beating, and my head was sweating. she wrapped her arm around mine, and we had dinner. it was a steak with a side of tomato soup. while I was eating, I noticed she was eating elegantly again. weird. but so far so good I suppose. I suddenly has butterflies in my stomach. why now? I shouldn't be this nervous! I need to shake it off for a bit. I got up from my seat, and stretched a few times. she looks at me weirdly and asked. ¨um....are you alright?¨ I looked at her as I fiddled with my bowtie. ¨why yes my love. why would you ask?¨ I smiled wide. and she stares at me like I've lost my mind. I cleared my throat. and slow romantic music started playing. I slowly walked up to her hand held out my hand. ¨may I have this dance m'lady?¨ I looked at her with a charmed look on my face. she smiles and took my hand. we walked to the main area of the casino, and I froze. the truth is, I never learned to slow dance in my entire life. she looks at me, and she starts leading me into the dance. it was...weird but then I kinda started to enjoy it. its slow yeah, but pretty relaxing.

End of P.O.V

the dancing lasted for half an hour. King Dice's minions stared. a few of them swayed back and forth to the music as they watched. ¨aww. it so romantic to see them dancing.¨ Pirouletta says smiling. Mr.Wheezy smiles as well and nods. ¨yeah. I'm happy for them.¨ suddenly, their hands touched. pirouletta looks at wheezy, and blushes. ¨oh. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-¨ Mr.Wheezy looks at her. ¨oh no. there's no need to apologize.....I uh don't mind it at all....hehe.¨ he scratches the back of his head and blushes smirking. they both held hands, and everyone rolls their eyes. meanwhile, Dice and (Y/N) walk over to the balcony of the casino they both watch the stars, and king Dice looks at her. ¨(Y/N)?....are you happy being with me?¨ she smiles and answers. ¨yes I do.¨ he then notices her frowning slightly. ¨what is it?¨ dice looks at her a little concerned. ¨I wish I could see cuphead and mugman again. I really do miss them...¨ king dice wasn't expecting her to say that. he sighs and looks at her. ¨come with me. I want to show you something.¨ he takes her back to their room and gives her a small box, and she opens it revealing a purple diamond necklace. ¨its beautiful.  why are you showing me this though?¨ he looks at the necklace. ¨it belonged to my mother. this was all I had left of her.¨ (Y/N) looks at the necklace, and smiles at him. ¨thank you.¨ he smiles back and he suddenly frowns.¨listen. I have to tell you something.¨ she looks at him. ¨what is it?¨ King Dice sighs. ¨I think its best that....you should go to them.¨ she couldn't believe what she's hearing from him. ¨what did you say?¨he looks at her. ¨I'm releasing you and the cup brothers. I don't want the devil to take you. plus I think you'd be happier being with them more than me.¨ she was speechless. ¨y-you mean...I'm free?¨ he nods. ¨yes.¨ she smiles and gently holds his hand. ¨thank you king dice.¨ she gives him the box, but he gives it back. ¨take it with you. so you'll always remember me no matter what....and the devil has the key to the cage. so please be careful.....¨ she looks at the box, and back at him smiling. ¨thank you for understanding how much they need me...¨ he smiles but then looks down in sadness. she caresses his cheek, and she rushes out of the room as he watches sadly reaching out to her. Mr.Wheezy comes in smiling. ¨well then Dice! I must say, everything is going just swimmingly. I knew I had it in you. ah ha!¨ king dice looks down sadly facing away. ¨I let her go.¨ Mr.wheezy nods. ¨ha ha ha! yes, yes. splen-....wait....you what?....how could you do that?!¨ King Dice sighs. ¨I had to.¨ wheezy looks at him in shock. ¨yes but-...but-.....why?¨ King Dice looks at him with grief and responds in a low tone. ¨because...I love her...¨ Mr.Wheezy went to tell the others and they were shocked. ¨he did what!!?¨ they all said in a shocked tone. ¨what will the boss say if he finds out the girl and the cup brothers are gone!?¨ pip says panicking. ¨he will be furious. not just to him. but to us all.¨ chips explained. ¨now...Dice's soul will be taken once the time comes....at least he finally had the chance to love someone who loves him in return.¨ Mr.wheezy said as they all nodded, and they looked down with saddened faces. meanwhile, (Y/N) shows up at the devil's lair, and cuphead and mugman start crying tears of joy as they see her. ¨(Y/N)!!¨ thankfully the devil was asleep of course. plus he was a heavy sleeper. she gets them out of the cage with the devil's key, and they hugged each other happily reuniting. ¨I thought I lost you...¨ cuphead said as he sheds tears holding her tightly. ¨I thought I lost you too cuppy.....¨ she said as they all ran off back to home, and in the distance, King Dice was watching his only lover run away back where she truly belongs back to inkwell isle. he sheds a tear and speaks softly. ¨farewell my love....I hope we see each other again in another lifetime.....¨

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