Chapter 2:

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Shortly after i woke up i got dressed, grabbed my suitcase and left. I drove to the address Elizabeth gave me and knocked on the door. A young boy about 13 years old opened the door. He had bright blue eyes. He invited me in

"Hi I'm Hayes. You must be Bethany. My mums in the kitchen"

He pointed me to the kitchen were Elizabeth was with Skylynn. As soon as Skylynn saw me she ran to me and hugged my legs. I bent down and hugged her.



I mimicked her. Which made her giggle

"Skylynn i have to leave now. Ill call you when i can. Bethany you have my number. Nash and Hayes are upstairs if you really need anything. BYE NASH AND HAYES. ILL SEE YOU IN 3 MONTHS"

She screamed to the boys upstairs, took her suitcases and left.

"So sky what do you want to do?"

"Can we watch some t.v?"

"Of course. Whatever you want"

She dragged me to the t.v room and proceeded to watch Spongebob. I played on my phone. I never really was interested with t.v. I was startled when someone walked behind the couch

"Slacking on the job. What a shame"

I turned to be face with a smiling boy about my age. Like Hayes he had extremely blue eyes. His smile was flawless

"You must be Nash. And i don't really like t.v so i was just on my phone. I would've noticed if sky went anywhere"

"How do you not like t.v?"

He jumped over the couch and sat next to me. He was glued to the t.v. I went back to my phone.

"Bethany I'm getting hungry. Can you please make me mac and cheese?"

"Of course i can"

Sky grabbed my hand and dragged me to the kitchen giggling.

"Whats so funny sky?"

"Nash likes you"

"What do you mean?"

"He was starring at you while you were on your phone."

How did i not notice that. I ignored her comment and started to get ready to cook until Nash came in pouting.

"Sky normally i make your mac and cheese. You called me chef nash."

"Well now i have chef Bethany"

She started giggling again. I really love her giggle its adorable. Nash walked out pouting even more now. He truly did seem upset tho.

"Chef Nash do you want to help?"

He came running in with a huge smile on his face


"Yes. Come over here i cant reach the pots"

The pots and pans where in the top cabinet and i couldnt reach. He walked over to the cabinets and reached the pot we needed. We succesfully cooked the mac and cheese and we ate in the dining room. Hayes joined us too.

"Bethany do you know where your staying yet?"

Hayes asked

"Actually no. My bags are still in my car too. I was caught up in cooking"

"Ill go grab your bags and show you to your room my lady"

Nash bowed like one of those fancy waiters and went to grab my suitcase

"You know nash seems to really like you"

Hayes broke the silence

"Yea thats what sky was telling me. I dont know i think hes just doing these things out of kindness. Im not his type anyway"

"No he told me he rea-"

Nash walked in and took my hand up the stairs.

"Your room is right here. Its in between me and skys."

"Ok thanks nash"

"My pleasure. Ill watch sky so you can unpack"

Before i can thank him he ran back downstairs. I went in my room for the summer. There was a full bed in the middle of the room. There was a desk in the corner. The walls were white which suprisingly was actually not ugly like you would think. There was two doors. I opened one and there was a decent sized closet. The other one was a huge bathroom. The bathroom also had two doors too. One led into the hallway and the second one opened it nashs room? Thats weird. I went back into my room and unpacked all my clothes into the closet. I then went downstairs

"Hey why does the bathroom connect our rooms and the hallway?"

"Im not sure either. Its weird but actually very conveinent. Now that youre here tho i got to remember to lock 3 doors which is actually really hard to remember"

"I know how to knock. Sky its getting late. Lets get you ready for bed."

"Ok but nash always tucks me in"

Thats so sweet. We all went upstairs and helped sky change and brush her teeth. After that i read her a book and nash tucked her in. Before he shut the door he kissed her forehead and said goodnight. Hes so sweet to her

"Goodnight Bethany. Sweet dreams"

"Goodnight Nash. Same to you"

With that i got ready for bed myself. I sat in bad for what seemed liked forever thinking about Nash. I never spent so much time thinking about a boy before. Could i be crushing on nash? With that thought i finally fell asleep


I'll update a new chapter everyday. I have already have up to chapter 20 saved onto my notes.

Thank you guys for reading!

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